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Device Service - Configuration

Please refer to the general Common Configuration documentation for configuration properties common to all services.

EdgeX 3.0

UpdateLastConnected is removed in EdgeX 3.0.

Edgex 3.0

For EdgeX 3.0 the MessageQueue configuration has been move to MessageBus in Common Configuration

EdgeX 3.1

New in EdgeX 3.1 is URI for files which allows the private configuration file to be pulled from a remote location via a URI rather than from the local file system. See Config File Command-line section for more details.


The * on the configuration section names below denoted that these sections are pulled from the device service common configuration thus are not in the individual device service's private configuration file.

Property Default Value Description
Writable properties can be set and will dynamically take effect without service restart
LogLevel INFO log entry severity level. Log entries not of the default level or higher are ignored.
Property Default Value Description
ReadingUnits true Indicate the units of measure for the Value in the Reading, set to false to not include units in the Reading.
Default Value
See Writable.Telemetry at Common Configuration for the Telemetry configuration common to all services
Metrics Service metrics that the device service collects. Boolean value indicates if reporting of the metric is enabled. Common and custom metrics are also included.
EventsSent = false Enable/disable reporting of the built-in EventsSent metric
ReadingsSent = false Enable/disable reporting of the built-in ReadingsSent metric
LastConnected = false Enable/disable reporting of the built-in LastConnected metric
<CustomMetric> = false Enable/disable reporting of custom device service's custom metric. See Custom Device Service Metrics for more details.
Tags <empty> List of arbitrary service level tags to included with every metric that is reported.
Property Default Value Description
Protocol http The protocol to use when building a URI to the service endpoint
Host localhost The host name or IP address where the service is hosted
Port 59881 The port exposed by the target service
Property Default Value Description
Properties that determine how the device service communicates with a device
DataTransform true Controls whether transformations are applied to numeric readings
MaxCmdOps 128 Maximum number of resources in a device command (hence, readings in an event)
MaxCmdResultLen 256 Maximum JSON string length for command results
ProfilesDir './res/profiles' If set, directory or index URI containing profile definition files to upload to core-metadata. See URI for Device Service Files for more information on URI index files. Also may be in device service private config, so it can be overridden with environment variable
DevicesDir './res/devices' If set, directory or index URI containing device definition files to upload to core-metadata. See URI for Device Service Files for more information on URI index files. Also may be in device service private config, so it can be overridden with environment variable
ProvisionWatchersDir '' If set, directory or index URI containing provision watcher definition files to upload to core-metadata (service specific when needed). See URI for Device Service Files for more information on URI index files.
EnableAsyncReadings true Enables/Disables the Device Service ability to handle async readings
AsyncBufferSize 16 Size of the buffer for async readings
Discovery/Enabled false Controls whether device discovery is enabled
Discovery/Interval 30s Interval between automatic discovery runs. Zero means do not run discovery automatically
Property Default Value Description
MaxEventSize 0 maximum event size in kilobytes sent to Core Data or MessageBus. 0 represents default to system max.

URIs for Device Service Files

EdgeX 3.1

Support for URIs for Devices, Profiles, and Provision Watchers is new in EdgeX 3.1.

When loading device definitions, device profiles, and provision watchers from a URI, the directory field (ie DevicesDir, ProfilesDir, ProvisionWatchersDir) loads an index file instead of a folder name. The contents of the index file will specify the individual files to load by URI by appending the filenames to the URI as shown in the example below. Any authentication specified in the original URI will be used in subsequent URIs. See the URI for Files section for more details.

Example Device Dir loaded from URI in service configuration

ProfilesDir = "./res/profiles"
DevicesDir = ""
ProvisionWatchersDir = "./res/provisionwatchers"

Device Definition URI Example

For device definitions, the index file contains the list of references to device files that contain one or more devices.

Example Device Index File at and resulting URIs

    "device1.yaml", "device2.yaml"
which results in the following URIs:

Device Profile and Provision Watchers URI Example

For device profiles and provision watchers, the index file contains a dictionary of key-value pairs that map the name of the profile or provision watcher to its file. The name is mapped so that the resources are only loaded from a URI if a device profile or provision watcher by that name has not been loaded yet.

Example Device Profile Index File at and resulting URIs

    "Simple-Device": "Simple-Driver.yaml",
    "Simple-Device2": "Simple-Driver2.yml"
which results in the following URIs:

Custom Configuration

Device services can have custom configuration in one of two ways. See the table below for details.

Driver - The Driver section used for simple custom settings and is accessed via the SDK's DriverConfigs() API. The DriverConfigs API returns a map[string] string containing the contents on the Driver section of the configuration.yaml file.

  MySetting: "My Value"

For Go Device Services see Go Custom Structured Configuration for more details.

For C Device Service see C Custom Structured Configuration for more details.



Edgex 3.0

For EdgeX 3.0 the SecretStore configuration has been removed from each service's configuration files. It has default values which can be overridden with environment variables. See the SecretStore Overrides section for more details.

All instances of Device Services running in secure mode require a SecretStore to be created for the service by the Security Services. See Configuring Add-on Service for details on configuring a SecretStore to be created for the Device Service. With the use of Redis Pub/Sub as the default EdgeX MessageBus all Device Services need the redisdb known secret added to their SecretStore so they can connect to the Secure EdgeX MessageBus. See the Secure MessageBus documentation for more details.

Each Device Service also has detailed configuration to enable connection to it's exclusive SecretStore

Storing Secrets

Secure Mode

When running an Device Service in secure mode, secrets can be stored in the SecretStore by making an HTTP POST call to the /api/v3/secret API route on the Device Service. The secret data POSTed is stored to the service's secureSecretStore . Once a secret is stored, only the service that added the secret will be able to retrieve it. See the Secret API Reference for more details and example.

Insecure Mode

When running in insecure mode, the secrets are stored and retrieved from the Writable.InsecureSecrets section of the service's configuration.yaml file. Insecure secrets and their paths can be configured as below.

Example - InsecureSecrets Configuration

     SecretName: "redisdb"
       username: ""
       password: ""
      SecretName: "credentials"
       username: "mqtt-user"
       password: "mqtt-password"

Retrieving Secrets

Device Services retrieve secrets from their SecretStore using the SDK API. See Retrieving Secrets for more details using the Go SDK.