Quick Start
This guide will get EdgeX up and running on your machine in as little as 5 minutes using pre-built Docker containers. We will skip over lengthy descriptions for now. The goal here is to get you a working IoT Edge stack, from device to cloud, as simply as possible.
When you need more detailed instructions or a breakdown of some of the commands you see in this quick start, see either the Getting Started using Docker or Getting Started as a Developer guides.
Setup Docker
Install the following:
- Docker https://docs.docker.com/install/
- Docker Compose https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
Running EdgeX
The version of EdgeX used in the following examples is main
Once you have Docker and Docker Compose installed, you need to:
- download / save the latest
file - issue command to download and run the EdgeX Foundry Docker images from Docker Hub
This can be accomplished with a single command as shown below (please note the tabs for x86 vs ARM architectures).
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edgexfoundry/edgex-compose/main/docker-compose-no-secty.yml -o docker-compose.yml; docker compose up -d
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edgexfoundry/edgex-compose/main/docker-compose-no-secty-arm64.yml -o docker-compose.yml; docker compose up -d
Verify that the EdgeX containers have started:
docker compose ps

Connected Devices
EdgeX Foundry provides a Virtual device service which is useful for testing and development. It simulates a number of devices, each randomly generating data of various types and within configurable parameters. For example, the Random-Integer-Device will generate random integers.
The Virtual Device (also known as Device Virtual) service is already a service pulled and running as part of the default EdgeX configuration.
You can verify that Virtual Device readings are already being sent by querying the EdgeX core data service for the event records sent for Random-Integer-Device:
curl http://localhost:59880/api/v3/event/device/name/Random-Integer-Device

By default, the maximum number of events returned will be 20 (the default limit). You can pass a limit
parameter to get more or less event records.
curl http://localhost:59880/api/v3/event/device/name/Random-Integer-Device?limit=50
Controlling the Device
Reading data from devices is only part of what EdgeX is capable of. You can also use it to control your devices - this is termed 'actuating' the device. When a device registers with the EdgeX services, it provides a Device Profile that describes both the data readings available from that device, and also the commands that control it.
When our Virtual Device service registered the device Random-Integer-Device
, it used a profile to also define commands that allow you to tell the service not to generate random integers, but to always return a value you set.
You won't call commands on devices directly, instead you use the EdgeX Foundry Command Service to do that. The first step is to check what commands are available to call by asking the Command service about your device:
curl http://localhost:59882/api/v3/device/name/Random-Integer-Device
This will return a lot of JSON, because there are a number of commands you can call on this device, but the commands we're going to use in this guide are Int16
(the comand to get the current integer 16 value) and WriteInt16Value
(the command to disable the generation of the random integer 16 number and specify the integer value to return). Look for the Int16
and WriteInt16Value
commands like those shown in the JSON as below:
"apiVersion" : "v3",
"statusCode": 200,
"deviceCoreCommand": {
"deviceName": "Random-Integer-Device",
"profileName": "Random-Integer-Device",
"coreCommands": [
"name": "WriteInt16Value",
"set": true,
"path": "/api/v3/device/name/Random-Integer-Device/WriteInt16Value",
"url": "http://edgex-core-command:59882",
"parameters": [
"resourceName": "Int16",
"valueType": "Int16"
"resourceName": "EnableRandomization_Int16",
"valueType": "Bool"
"name": "Int16",
"get": true,
"set": true,
"path": "/api/v3/device/name/Random-Integer-Device/Int16",
"url": "http://edgex-core-command:59882",
"parameters": [
"resourceName": "Int16",
"valueType": "Int16"
or set
(or both) options. A get call will return a random number (integer 16), and is what is being called automatically to send data into the rest of EdgeX (specifically core data). You can also call get manually using the URL provided (with no additinal parameters needed):
curl http://localhost:59882/api/v3/device/name/Random-Integer-Device/Int16
Notice that localhost replaces edgex-core-command here. That's because the EdgeX Foundry services are running in Docker. Docker recognizes the internal hostname edgex-core-command, but when calling the service from outside of Docker, you have to use localhost to reach it.
This command will return a JSON result that looks like this:
"apiVersion" : "v3",
"statusCode": 200,
"event": {
"apiVersion" : "v3",
"id": "6d829637-730c-4b70-9208-dc179070003f",
"deviceName": "Random-Integer-Device",
"profileName": "Random-Integer-Device",
"sourceName": "Int16",
"origin": 1625605672073875500,
"readings": [
"id": "545b7add-683b-4745-84f1-d859f3d839e0",
"origin": 1625605672073875500,
"deviceName": "Random-Integer-Device",
"resourceName": "Int16",
"profileName": "Random-Integer-Device",
"valueType": "Int16",
"binaryValue": null,
"mediaType": "",
"value": "-8146"
A call to GET of the Int16 device's Random-Integer-Device operation through the command service results in the next random value produced by the device in JSON format.
The default range for this reading is -32,768 to 32,767. In the example above, a value of -8146
was returned as the reading value. With the service set up to randomly return values, the value returned will be different each time the Int16
command is sent. However, we can use the WriteInt16Value
command to disable random values from being returned and instead specify a value to return. Use the curl command below to call the set command to disable random values and return the value 42
each time.
curl -X PUT -d '{"Int16":"42", "EnableRandomization_Int16":"false"}' http://localhost:59882/api/v3/device/name/Random-Integer-Device/WriteInt16Value
Again, also notice that localhost replaces edgex-core-command.
If successful, the service will confirm your setting of the value to be returned with a 200
status code.
A call to the device's SET command through the command service will return the API version and a status code (200 for success).
Now every time we call get on the Int16
command, the returned value will be 42
A call to GET of the Int16 device's Random-Integer-Device operation after setting the Int16 value to 42 and disabling randomization will always return a value of 42.
Exporting Data
EdgeX provides exporters (called application services) for a variety of cloud services and applications. To keep this guide simple, we're going to use the community provided 'application service configurable' to send the EdgeX data to a public MQTT broker hosted by HiveMQ. You can then watch for the EdgeX event data via HiveMQ provided MQTT browser client.
First add the following application service to your docker-compose.yml file right after the 'app-service-rules' service (the first service in the file). Spacing is important in YAML, so make sure to copy and paste it correctly.
container_name: edgex-app-mqtt-export
condition: service_started
condition: service_started
EDGEX_PROFILE: mqtt-export
SERVICE_HOST: edgex-app-mqtt-export
hostname: edgex-app-mqtt-export
image: nexus3.edgexfoundry.org:10004/app-service-configurable:latest
edgex-network: null
- mode: ingress
target: 59703
published: "59703"
protocol: tcp
read_only: true
restart: always
- no-new-privileges:true
user: 2002:2001
- type: bind
source: /etc/localtime
target: /etc/localtime
read_only: true
create_host_path: true
This adds the application service configurable to your EdgeX system. The application service configurable allows you to configure (versus program) new exports - in this case exporting the EdgeX sensor data to the HiveMQ broker at tcp://broker.hivemq.com:1883
. You will be publishing to the edgex-events topic.
For convenience, see documentation on the EdgeX Compose Builder to create custom Docker Compose files.
Save the compose file and then execute another compose up command to have Docker Compose pull and start the configurable application service.
docker compose up -d
Using the HiveMQ provided client tool, connect to the same public HiveMQ broker your configurable application service is sending EdgeX data to.
Then, use the Subscriptions area to subscribe to the "edgex-events" topic.
You must subscribe to the same topic - edgex-events - to see the EdgeX data sent by the configurable application service.
You will begin seeing your random number readings appear in the Messages area on the screen.
Once subscribed, the EdgeX event data will begin to appear in the Messages area on the browser screen.
Next Steps
Congratulations! You now have a full EdgeX deployment reading data from a (virtual) device and publishing it to an MQTT broker in the cloud, and you were able to control your device through commands into EdgeX.
It's time to continue your journey by reading the Introduction to EdgeX Foundry, what it is and how it's built. From there you can take the Walkthrough to learn how the micro services work together to control devices and read data from them as you just did.