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Information in this page may be outdated.

Currently, only the SetNetworkInterfaces function returns the RebootNeeded value. If RebootNeeded is true, the user needs to reboot the camera to apply the config changes.

Since the Set command can't return the RebootNeeded value in the command response, the device service will store the value, then the user can use the custom web service EdgeX and function RebootNeeded to check the value.

How does the RebootNeeded work with EdgeX?

  1. Execute Set command to change the networkInterfaces setting:
    curl --request PUT '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
       "NetworkInterfaces": {
          "InterfaceToken": "eth0",
          "NetworkInterface": {
                "Enabled": true,
                "IPv4": {
                   "DHCP": true
  2. Check the RebootNeeded value:

    $ curl '' | jq .
       "apiVersion" : "v2",
       "event" : {
          "apiVersion" : "v2",
          "deviceName" : "Camera001",
          "id" : "e370bbb5-55d2-4392-84ca-8d9e7f097dae",
          "origin" : 1635750695886624000,
          "profileName" : "onvif-camera",
          "readings" : [
                "deviceName" : "Camera001",
                "id" : "abd5c555-ef7d-44a7-9273-c1dbb4d14de2",
                "origin" : 1635750695886624000,
                "profileName" : "onvif-camera",
                "resourceName" : "RebootNeeded",
                "value" : "true",
                "valueType" : "Bool"
          "sourceName" : "RebootNeeded"
       "statusCode" : 200
    The RebootNeeded value is true which indicates the camera should reboot to apply the necessary changes.

  3. Reboot the camera to apply the change:

    curl --request PUT '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
       "SystemReboot": {}

  4. Check The RebootNeeded value:

    $ curl '' | jq .
       "apiVersion" : "v2",
       "event" : {
          "apiVersion" : "v2",
          "deviceName" : "Camera001",
          "id" : "53585696-ec1a-4ac7-9a42-7d480c0a75d9",
          "origin" : 1635750854455262000,
          "profileName" : "onvif-camera",
          "readings" : [
                "deviceName" : "Camera001",
                "id" : "87819d3a-25d0-4313-b69a-54c4a0c389ed",
                "origin" : 1635750854455262000,
                "profileName" : "onvif-camera",
                "resourceName" : "RebootNeeded",
                "value" : "false",
                "valueType" : "Bool"
          "sourceName" : "RebootNeeded"
       "statusCode" : 200
    Because of the reboot, RebootNeeded is now false.