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Go Device SDK API

The DeviceServiceSDK API provides the following APIs for the device service developer to use.

type DeviceServiceSDK interface {
    AddDeviceAutoEvent(deviceName string, event models.AutoEvent) error
    RemoveDeviceAutoEvent(deviceName string, event models.AutoEvent) error
    AddDevice(device models.Device) (string, error)
    Devices() []models.Device
    GetDeviceByName(name string) (models.Device, error)
    RemoveDeviceByName(name string) error
    UpdateDeviceOperatingState(deviceName string, state string) error
    AddDeviceProfile(profile models.DeviceProfile) (string, error)
    DeviceProfiles() []models.DeviceProfile
    GetProfileByName(name string) (models.DeviceProfile, error)
    RemoveDeviceProfileByName(name string) error
    UpdateDeviceProfile(profile models.DeviceProfile) error
    DeviceCommand(deviceName string, commandName string) (models.DeviceCommand, bool)
    DeviceResource(deviceName string, deviceResource string) (models.DeviceResource, bool)
    AddProvisionWatcher(watcher models.ProvisionWatcher) (string, error)
    ProvisionWatchers() []models.ProvisionWatcher
    GetProvisionWatcherByName(name string) (models.ProvisionWatcher, error)
    RemoveProvisionWatcher(name string) error
    UpdateProvisionWatcher(watcher models.ProvisionWatcher) error
    Name() string
    Version() string
    AsyncReadings() bool
    DeviceDiscovery() bool
    AddRoute(route string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request), methods ...string) error
    Stop(force bool)
    LoadCustomConfig(customConfig service.UpdatableConfig, sectionName string) error
    ListenForCustomConfigChanges(configToWatch interface{}, sectionName string, changedCallback func(interface{})) error
    GetLoggingClient() logger.LoggingClient
    GetSecretProvider() interfaces.SecretProvider
    GetMetricsManager() interfaces.MetricsManager
    DriverConfigs() map[string]string
    SetDeviceOpState(name string, state models.OperatingState) error

Access Functions


Edgex 2.3

This function is new in Edgex 2.3 allowing for better unit test coverage via the use of the mockable interface.

interfaces.Service() DeviceServiceSDK

Returns reference to the DeviceServiceSDK instance as a mockable interface. Mock of interfaces is available at mocks.DeviceServiceSDK

Example - Service()

service := interfaces.Service()
lc := service.GetLoggingClient()


service.RunningService() *DeviceService

Returns concrete instance of DeviceService which is not a mockable interface


DEPRECATED as of Edgex 2.3. Please use interfaces.Service()


Auto Event


AddDeviceAutoEvent(deviceName string, event models.AutoEvent) error

This API adds a new AutoEvent to the Device with given name. An error is returned if not able to add AutoEvent


RemoveDeviceAutoEvent(deviceName string, event models.AutoEvent) error

This API removes an AutoEvent from the Device with given name. An error is returned if not able to remove AutoEvent



AddDevice(device models.Device) (string, error)

This API adds a new Device to Core Metadata and device service's cache. Returns new Device id or an error.


UpdateDevice(device models.Device) error

This API updates the Device in Core Metadata and device service's cache. An error is returned if the Device can not be updated.


UpdateDeviceOperatingState(deviceName string, state string) error

This API updates the Device's operating state for the given name in Core Metadata and device service's cache. An error is return if the operating state can not be updated.


RemoveDeviceByName(name string) error

This API removes the specified Device by name from Core Metadata and device service cache. An error is return if the Device can not be removed.


Devices() []models.Device

This API returns all managed Devices from the device service's cache


GetDeviceByName(name string) (models.Device, error)

This API returns the Device by its name if it exists in the device service's cache, or returns an error.


DriverConfigs() map[string]string

This API returns the driver specific configuration


SetDeviceOpState(name string, state models.OperatingState) error

This API sets the operating state of a specified device

Device Profile


AddDeviceProfile(profile models.DeviceProfile) (string, error)

This API adds a new DeviceProfile to Core Metadata and device service's cache. Returns new DeviceProfile id or error


UpdateDeviceProfile(profile models.DeviceProfile) error

This API updates the DeviceProfile in Core Metadata and device service's cache. An error is returned if the DeviceProfile can not be updated.


RemoveDeviceProfileByName(name string) error

This API removes the specified DeviceProfile by name from Core Metadata and device service's cache. An error is return if the DeviceProfile can not be removed.


DeviceProfiles() []models.DeviceProfile

This API returns all managed DeviceProfiles from device service's cache.


GetProfileByName(name string) (models.DeviceProfile, error)

This API returns the DeviceProfile by its name if it exists in the cache, or returns an error.

Provision Watcher


AddProvisionWatcher(watcher models.ProvisionWatcher) (string, error)

This API adds a new Watcher to Core Metadata and device service's cache. Returns new ProvisionWatcherid or error.


UpdateProvisionWatcher(watcher models.ProvisionWatcher) error

This API updates the ProvisionWatcherin in Core Metadata and device service's cache. An error is returned if the ProvisionWatcher can not be updated.


RemoveProvisionWatcher(name string) error

This API removes the specified ProvisionWatcherby name from Core Metadata and device service's cache. An error is return if the ProvisionWatcher can not be removed.


ProvisionWatchers() []models.ProvisionWatcher

This API returns all managed ProvisionWatchers from device service's cache.


GetProvisionWatcherByName(name string) (models.ProvisionWatcher, error)

This API returns the ProvisionWatcher by its name if it exists in the device service's , or returns an error.

Resource & Command


DeviceResource(deviceName string, deviceResource string) (models.DeviceResource, bool)

This API retrieves the specific DeviceResource instance from device service's cache for the specified Device name and Resource name. Returns the DeviceResource and true if found in device service's cache or false if not found.


DeviceCommand(deviceName string, commandName string) (models.DeviceCommand, bool)

This API retrieves the specific DeviceCommand instance from device service's cache for the specified Device name and Command name. Returns the DeviceCommand and true if found in device service's cache or false if not found.

Custom Configuration


LoadCustomConfig(customConfig service.UpdatableConfig, sectionName string) error

This API attempts to load service's custom configuration. It uses the same command line flags to process the custom config in the same manner as the standard configuration. Returns an error is custom configuration can not be loaded. See Custom Structured Configuration section for more details.


ListenForCustomConfigChanges(configToWatch interface{}, sectionName string, changedCallback func(interface{})) error

This API attempts to start listening for changes to the specified custom configuration section. LoadCustomConfig API must be called before this API. See Custom Structured Configuration section for more details.



Name() string

This API returns the name of the Device Service.


Version() string

This API returns the version number of the Device Service.


AsyncReadings() bool

This API returns a bool value to indicate whether the asynchronous reading is enabled via configuration.


DeviceDiscovery() bool

This API returns a bool value to indicate whether the device discovery is enabled via configuration.


AddRoute(route string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request), methods ...string) error

This API allows leveraging the existing internal web server to add routes specific to the Device Service. Returns error is route could not be added.


GetLoggingClient() logger.LoggingClient

This API returns the LoggingClient used to log messages.


GetSecretProvider() interfaces.SecretProvider

This API returns the SecretProvider used to get/save the service secrets. See Secret Provider API section for more details.


GetMetricsManager () interfaces.MetricsManager

This API returns the MetricsManager used to register custom service metrics. See Service Metrics for more details


Stop(force bool)

This API shuts down the device service gracefully.