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Command Line Interface (CLI)

What is EdgeX CLI?

EdgeX CLI is a command-line interface tool for developers, used for interacting with EdgeX Foundry microservices.

Installing EdgeX CLI

The client can be installed using a snap

sudo snap install edgex-cli

You can also download the appropriate binary for your operating system from GitHub.

If you want to build EdgeX CLI from source, do the following:

git clone
cd edgex-cli
make tidy
make build

For more information, see the EdgeX CLI README.


EdgeX CLI provides access to most of the core and support APIs. The commands map directly to the REST API structure.

Running edgex-cli with no arguments shows a list of the available commands and information for each of them, including the name of the service implementing the command. Use the -h or --help flag to get more information about each command.

$ edgex-cli

  edgex-cli [command]

Available Commands:
  command          Read, write and list commands [Core Command]
  config           Return the current configuration of all EdgeX core/support microservices
  device           Add, remove, get, list and modify devices [Core Metadata]
  deviceprofile    Add, remove, get and list device profiles [Core Metadata]
  deviceservice    Add, remove, get, list and modify device services [Core Metadata]
  event            Add, remove and list events
  help             Help about any command
  interval         Add, get and list intervals [Support Scheduler]
  intervalaction   Get, list, update and remove interval actions [Support Scheduler]
  metrics          Output the CPU/memory usage stats for all EdgeX core/support microservices
  notification     Add, remove and list notifications [Support Notifications]
  ping             Ping (health check) all EdgeX core/support microservices
  provisionwatcher Add, remove, get, list and modify provison watchers [Core Metadata]
  reading          Count and list readings
  subscription     Add, remove and list subscriptions [Support Notificationss]
  transmission     Remove and list transmissions [Support Notifications]
  version          Output the current version of EdgeX CLI and EdgeX microservices

  -h, --help   help for edgex-cli

Use "edgex-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Commands implemented by all microservices

The ping, config, metrics and version work with more than one microservice.

By default these commands will return values from all core and support services:

$ edgex-cli metrics
Service               CpuBusyAvg MemAlloc MemFrees MemLiveObjects MemMallocs MemSys   MemTotalAlloc
core-metadata         13         1878936  38262    9445           47707      75318280 5967608
core-data             13         1716256  40200    8997           49197      75580424 5949504
core-command          13         1737288  31367    8582           39949      75318280 5380584
support-scheduler     10         2612296  20754    20224          40978      74728456 4146800
support-notifications 10         2714480  21199    20678          41877      74728456 4258640

To only return information for one service, specify the service to use:

  -c, --command         use core-command service endpoint
  -d, --data            use core-data service endpoint
  -m, --metadata        use core-metadata service endpoint
  -n, --notifications   use support-notifications service endpoint
  -s, --scheduler       use support-scheduler service endpoint


$ edgex-cli metrics -d
Service   CpuBusyAvg MemAlloc MemFrees MemLiveObjects MemMallocs MemSys   MemTotalAlloc
core-data 14         1917712  870037   12258          882295     75580424 64148880

$ edgex-cli metrics -c
Service      CpuBusyAvg MemAlloc MemFrees MemLiveObjects MemMallocs MemSys   MemTotalAlloc
core-command 13         1618424  90890    8328           99218      75580424 22779448

$ edgex-cli metrics --metadata
Service       CpuBusyAvg MemAlloc MemFrees MemLiveObjects MemMallocs MemSys   MemTotalAlloc
core-metadata 12         1704256  39606    8870           48476      75318280 6139912

The -j/--json flag can be used with most of edgex-go commands to return the JSON output:

$ edgex-cli metrics --metadata --json

This could then be formatted and filtered using jq:

$ edgex-cli metrics --metadata --json | jq '.'
  "apiVersion": "v2",
  "metrics": {
    "memAlloc": 1684176,
    "memFrees": 41142,
    "memLiveObjects": 8679,
    "memMallocs": 49821,
    "memSys": 75318280,
    "memTotalAlloc": 6530824,
    "cpuBusyAvg": 12

Core-command service

edgex-cli command list

Return a list of all supported device commands, optionally filtered by device name.


$ edgex-cli command list
Name                    Device Name                    Profile Name                   Methods   URL
BoolArray               Random-Boolean-Device          Random-Boolean-Device          Get, Put  http://localhost:59882/api/v2/device/name/Random-Boolean-Device/BoolArray
WriteBoolValue          Random-Boolean-Device          Random-Boolean-Device          Put       http://localhost:59882/api/v2/device/name/Random-Boolean-Device/WriteBoolValue
WriteBoolArrayValue     Random-Boolean-Device          Random-Boolean-Device          Put       http://localhost:59882/api/v2/device/name/Random-Boolean-Device/WriteBoolArrayValue

edgex-cli command read

Issue a read command to the specified device.


$ edgex-cli command read -c Int16 -d Random-Integer-Device -j | jq '.'
  "apiVersion": "v2",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "event": {
    "apiVersion": "v2",
    "id": "e19f417e-3130-485f-8212-64b593b899f9",
    "deviceName": "Random-Integer-Device",
    "profileName": "Random-Integer-Device",
    "sourceName": "Int16",
    "origin": 1641484109458647300,
    "readings": [
        "id": "dc1f212d-148a-457c-ab13-48aa0fa58dd1",
        "origin": 1641484109458647300,
        "deviceName": "Random-Integer-Device",
        "resourceName": "Int16",
        "profileName": "Random-Integer-Device",
        "valueType": "Int16",
        "binaryValue": null,
        "mediaType": "",
        "value": "587"

edgex-cli command write

Issue a write command to the specified device.

Example using in-line request body:

$ edgex-cli command write -d Random-Integer-Device -c Int8 -b "{\"Int8\": \"99\"}"
$ edgex-cli command read -d Random-Integer-Device -c Int8
apiVersion: v2,statusCode: 200
Command Name  Device Name            Profile Name           Value Type  Value
Int8          Random-Integer-Device  Random-Integer-Device  Int8        99

Example using a file containing the request:

$ echo "{ \"Int8\":\"88\" }" > file.txt

$ edgex-cli command write -d Random-Integer-Device -c Int8 -f file.txt
apiVersion: v2,statusCode: 200

$ edgex-cli command read -d Random-Integer-Device -c Int8
Command Name  Device Name            Profile Name           Value Type  Value
Int8          Random-Integer-Device  Random-Integer-Device  Int8        88

Core-metadata service

edgex-cli deviceservice list

List device services

$ edgex-cli deviceservice list

edgex-cli deviceservice add

Add a device service

$ edgex-cli deviceservice add -n TestDeviceService -b "http://localhost:51234"

edgex-cli deviceservice name

Shows information about a device service. Most edgex-cli commands support the -v/--verbose and -j/--json flags:

$ edgex-cli deviceservice name -n TestDeviceService
Name               BaseAddress             Description
TestDeviceService  http://localhost:51234  

$ edgex-cli deviceservice name -n TestDeviceService -v
Name               BaseAddress             Description  AdminState  Id                                    Labels  LastConnected  LastReported  Modified
TestDeviceService  http://localhost:51234               UNLOCKED    7f29ad45-65dc-46c0-a928-00147d328032  []      0              0             10 Jan 22 17:26 GMT

$ edgex-cli deviceservice name -n TestDeviceService  -j | jq '.'
  "apiVersion": "v2",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "service": {
    "created": 1641835585465,
    "modified": 1641835585465,
    "id": "7f29ad45-65dc-46c0-a928-00147d328032",
    "name": "TestDeviceService",
    "baseAddress": "http://localhost:51234",
    "adminState": "UNLOCKED"

edgex-cli deviceservice rm

Remove a device service

$ edgex-cli deviceservice rm -n TestDeviceService

edgex-cli deviceservice update

Update the device service, getting the ID using jq and confirm that the labels were added

$ edgex-cli deviceservice add -n TestDeviceService -b "http://localhost:51234"
{{{v2} c2600ad2-6489-4c3f-9207-5bdffdb8d68f  201} 844473b1-551d-4545-9143-28cfdf68a539}

$ ID=`edgex-cli deviceservice name -n TestDeviceService -j | jq -r ''`
$ edgex-cli deviceservice update -n TestDeviceService -i $ID --labels "label1,label2"
{{v2} 9f4a4758-48a1-43ce-a232-828f442c2e34  200}

$ edgex-cli deviceservice name -n TestDeviceService -v
Name               BaseAddress             Description  AdminState  Id                                    Labels           LastConnected  LastReported  Modified
TestDeviceService  http://localhost:51234               UNLOCKED    844473b1-551d-4545-9143-28cfdf68a539  [label1 label2]  0              0             28 Jan 22 12:00 GMT

edgex-cli deviceprofile list

List device profiles

$ edgex-cli deviceprofile list

edgex-cli deviceprofile add

Add a device profile

$ edgex-cli deviceprofile add -n TestProfile -r "[{\"name\": \"SwitchButton\",\"description\": \"Switch On/Off.\",\"properties\": {\"valueType\": \"String\",\"readWrite\": \"RW\",\"defaultValue\": \"On\",\"units\": \"On/Off\" } }]"  -c "[{\"name\": \"Switch\",\"readWrite\": \"RW\",\"resourceOperations\": [{\"deviceResource\": \"SwitchButton\",\"DefaultValue\": \"false\" }]} ]"
{{{v2} 65d083cc-b876-4744-af65-59a00c63fc25  201} 4c0af6b0-4e83-4f3c-a574-dcea5f42d3f0}

edgex-cli deviceprofile name

Show information about a specifed device profile

$ edgex-cli deviceprofile name -n TestProfile
Name         Description  Manufacturer  Model  Name
TestProfile                                    TestProfile

edgex-cli deviceprofile rm

Remove a device profile

$ edgex-cli deviceprofile rm -n TestProfile

edgex-cli device list

List current devices

$ edgex-cli device list
Name                           Description                ServiceName        ProfileName                    Labels                    AutoEvents
Random-Float-Device            Example of Device Virtual  device-virtual     Random-Float-Device            [device-virtual-example]  [{30s false Float32} {30s false Float64}]
Random-UnsignedInteger-Device  Example of Device Virtual  device-virtual     Random-UnsignedInteger-Device  [device-virtual-example]  [{20s false Uint8} {20s false Uint16} {20s false Uint32} {20s false Uint64}]
Random-Boolean-Device          Example of Device Virtual  device-virtual     Random-Boolean-Device          [device-virtual-example]  [{10s false Bool}]
TestDevice                                                TestDeviceService  TestProfile                    []                        []
Random-Binary-Device           Example of Device Virtual  device-virtual     Random-Binary-Device           [device-virtual-example]  []
Random-Integer-Device          Example of Device Virtual  device-virtual     Random-Integer-Device          [device-virtual-example]  [{15s false Int8} {15s false Int16} {15s false Int32} {15s false Int64}]

edgex-cli device add

Add a new device. This needs a device service and device profile to be created first

$ edgex-cli device add -n TestDevice -p TestProfile -s TestDeviceService --protocols "{\"modbus-tcp\":{\"Address\": \"localhost\",\"Port\": \"1234\" }}"
{{{v2} e912aa16-af4a-491d-993b-b0aeb8cd9c67  201} ae0e8b95-52fc-4778-892d-ae7e1127ed39}

edgex-cli device name

Show information about a specified named device

$ edgex-cli device name -n TestDevice
Name        Description  ServiceName        ProfileName  Labels  AutoEvents
TestDevice               TestDeviceService  TestProfile  []      []

edgex-cli device rm

Remove a device

edgex-cli device rm -n TestDevice
edgex-cli device list
edgex-cli device add -n TestDevice -p TestProfile -s TestDeviceService --protocols "{\"modbus-tcp\":{\"Address\": \"localhost\",\"Port\": \"1234\" }}"
edgex-cli device list

edgex-cli device update

Update a device

This example gets the ID of a device, updates it using that ID and then displays device information to confirm that the labels were added

$ ID=`edgex-cli device name -n TestDevice -j | jq -r ''`

$ edgex-cli device update -n TestDevice -i $ID --labels "label1,label2"
{{v2} 73427492-1158-45b2-9a7c-491a474cecce  200}

$ edgex-cli device name -n TestDevice
Name        Description  ServiceName        ProfileName  Labels           AutoEvents
TestDevice               TestDeviceService  TestProfile  [label1 label2]  []

edgex-cli provisionwatcher add

Add a new provision watcher

$ edgex-cli provisionwatcher add -n TestWatcher --identifiers "{\"address\":\"localhost\",\"port\":\"1234\"}" -p TestProfile -s TestDeviceService
{{{v2} 3f05f6e0-9d9b-4d96-96df-f394cc2ad6f4  201} ee76f4d8-46d4-454c-a4da-8ad9e06d8d7e}

edgex-cli provisionwatcher list

List provision watchers

$ edgex-cli provisionwatcher list
Name         ServiceName        ProfileName  Labels  Identifiers
TestWatcher  TestDeviceService  TestProfile  []      map[address:localhost port:1234]

edgex-cli provisionwatcher name

Show information about a specific named provision watcher

$ edgex-cli provisionwatcher name -n TestWatcher
Name         ServiceName        ProfileName  Labels  Identifiers
TestWatcher  TestDeviceService  TestProfile  []      map[address:localhost port:1234]

edgex-cli provisionwatcher rm

Remove a provision watcher

$ edgex-cli provisionwatcher rm -n TestWatcher
$ edgex-cli provisionwatcher list
No provision watchers available

edgex-cli provisionwatcher update

Update a provision watcher

This example gets the ID of a provision watcher, updates it using that ID and then displays information about it to confirm that the labels were added

$ edgex-cli provisionwatcher add -n TestWatcher2 --identifiers "{\"address\":\"localhost\",\"port\":\"1234\"}" -p TestProfile -s TestDeviceService
{{{v2} fb7b8bcf-8f58-477b-929e-8dac53cddc81  201} 7aadb7df-1ff1-4b3b-8986-b97e0ef53116}

$ ID=`edgex-cli provisionwatcher name -n TestWatcher2 -j | jq -r ''`

$ edgex-cli provisionwatcher update -n TestWatcher2 -i $ID --labels "label1,label2"
{{v2} af1e70bf-4705-47f4-9046-c7b789799405  200}

$ edgex-cli provisionwatcher name -n TestWatcher2
Name          ServiceName        ProfileName  Labels           Identifiers
TestWatcher2  TestDeviceService  TestProfile  [label1 label2]  map[address:localhost port:1234]

Core-data service

edgex-cli event add

Create an event with a specified number of random readings

$ edgex-cli event add -d Random-Integer-Device -p Random-Integer-Device -r 1 -s Int16 -t int16
Added event 75f06078-e8da-4671-8938-ab12ebb2c244

$ edgex-cli event list -v
Origin               Device                 Profile                Source  Id                                    Versionable  Readings
10 Jan 22 15:38 GMT  Random-Integer-Device  Random-Integer-Device  Int16   75f06078-e8da-4671-8938-ab12ebb2c244  {v2}         [{974a70fe-71ef-4a47-a008-c89f0e4e3bb6 1641829092129391876 Random-Integer-Device Int16 Random-Integer-Device Int16 {[] } {13342}}]

edgex-cli event count

Count the number of events in core data, optionally filtering by device name

$ edgex-cli event count -d Random-Integer-Device
Total Random-Integer-Device events: 54

edgex-cli event list

List all events, optionally specifying a limit and offset

$ edgex-cli event list

To see two readings only, skipping the first 100 readings:

$ edgex-cli reading list --limit 2 --offset 100
Origin               Device                 ProfileName            Value                ValueType
28 Jan 22 12:55 GMT  Random-Integer-Device  Random-Integer-Device  22502                Int16
28 Jan 22 12:55 GMT  Random-Integer-Device  Random-Integer-Device  1878517239016780388  Int64

edgex-cli event rm

Remove events, specifying either device name or maximum event age in milliseconds - edgex-cli event rm --device {devicename} removes all events for the specified device - edgex-cli event rm --age {ms} removes all events generated in the last {ms} milliseconds

$ edgex-cli event rm -a 30000
$ edgex-cli event count
Total events: 0

edgex-cli reading count

Count the number of readings in core data, optionally filtering by device name

$ edgex-cli reading count
Total readings: 235

edgex-cli reading list

List all readings, optionally specifying a limit and offset

$ edgex-cli reading list

Support-scheduler service

edgex-cli interval add

Add an interval

$ edgex-cli interval add -n "hourly" -i "1h"
{{{v2} c7c51f21-dab5-4307-a4c9-bc5d5f2194d9  201} 98a6d5f6-f4c4-4ec5-a00c-7fe24b9c9a18}

edgex-cli interval name

Return an interval by name

$ edgex-cli interval name -n "hourly"
Name    Interval  Start  End
hourly  1h               

edgex-cli interval list

List all intervals

$ edgex-cli interval list  -j | jq '.'
  "apiVersion": "v2",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "intervals": [
      "created": 1641830955058,
      "modified": 1641830955058,
      "id": "98a6d5f6-f4c4-4ec5-a00c-7fe24b9c9a18",
      "name": "hourly",
      "interval": "1h"
      "created": 1641830953884,
      "modified": 1641830953884,
      "id": "507a2a9a-82eb-41ea-afa8-79a9b0033665",
      "name": "midnight",
      "start": "20180101T000000",
      "interval": "24h"

edgex-cli interval update

Update an interval, specifying either ID or name

$ edgex-cli interval update -n "hourly" -i "1m"
{{v2} 08239cc4-d4d7-4ea2-9915-d91b9557c742  200}
$ edgex-cli interval name -n "hourly" -v
Id                                    Name    Interval  Start  End
98a6d5f6-f4c4-4ec5-a00c-7fe24b9c9a18  hourly  1m  

edgex-cli interval rm

Delete a named interval and associated interval actions

$ edgex-cli interval rm  -n "hourly" 

edgex-cli intervalaction add

Add an interval action

$ edgex-cli intervalaction add -n "name01" -i "midnight" -a "{\"type\": \"REST\", \"host\": \"\", \"port\": 8080, \"httpMethod\": \"GET\"}"

edgex-cli intervalaction name

Return an interval action by name

$ edgex-cli intervalaction name -n "name01"
Name    Interval  Address                                                      Content  ContentType
name01  midnight  {REST 8080 { GET} {  0 0 false false 0} {[]}}  

edgex-cli intervalaction list

List all interval actions

$ edgex-cli intervalaction list
Name               Interval  Address                                                                                       Content  ContentType
name01             midnight  {REST 8080 { GET} {  0 0 false false 0} {[]}}                                            
scrub-aged-events  midnight  {REST localhost 59880 {/api/v2/event/age/604800000000000 DELETE} {  0 0 false false 0} {[]}}   

edgex-cli intervalaction update

Update an interval action, specifying either ID or name

$ edgex-cli intervalaction update -n "name01" --admin-state "LOCKED"
{{v2} afc7b08c-5dc6-4923-9786-30bfebc8a8b6  200}
$ edgex-cli intervalaction name -n "name01" -j | jq '.action.adminState'

edgex-cli intervalaction rm

Delete an interval action by name

$ edgex-cli intervalaction rm  -n "name01" 

Support-notifications service

edgex-cli notification add

Add a notification to be sent

$ edgex-cli notification add -s "sender01" -c "content" --category "category04" --labels "l3"
{{{v2} 13938e01-a560-47d8-bb50-060effdbe490  201} 6a1138c2-b58e-4696-afa7-2074e95165eb}

edgex-cli notification list

List notifications associated with a given label, category or time range

$ edgex-cli notification list -c "category04"
Category    Content  Description  Labels  Sender    Severity  Status
category04  content               [l3]    sender01  NORMAL    PROCESSED

$ edgex-cli notification list --start "01 jan 20 00:00 GMT" --end "01 dec 24 00:00 GMT"
Category    Content  Description  Labels  Sender    Severity  Status
category04  content               [l3]    sender01  NORMAL    PROCESSED

edgex-cli notification rm

Delete a notification and all of its associated transmissions

$ ID=`edgex-cli notification list -c "category04" -v -j | jq -r '.notifications[0].id'`
$ echo $ID
$ edgex-cli notification rm -i $ID
$ edgex-cli notification list -c "category04"
No notifications available

edgex-cli notification cleanup

Delete all notifications and corresponding transmissions

$ edgex-cli notification cleanup
$ edgex-cli notification list --start "01 jan 20 00:00 GMT" --end "01 dec 24 00:00 GMT"
No notifications available

edgex-cli subscription add

Add a new subscription

$ edgex-cli subscription add -n "name01" --receiver "receiver01" -c "[{\"type\": \"REST\", \"host\": \"localhost\", \"port\": 7770, \"httpMethod\": \"POST\"}]" --labels "l1,l2,l3"
{{{v2} 2bbfdac0-d2e1-4f08-8344-392b8e8ddc5e  201} 1ec08af0-5767-4505-82f7-581fada6006b}

$ edgex-cli subscription add -n "name02" --receiver "receiver01" -c "[{\"type\": \"EMAIL\", \"recipients\": [\"\"]}]" --labels "l1,l2,l3"
{{{v2} f6b417ca-740c-4dee-bc1e-c721c0de4051  201} 156fc2b9-de60-423b-9bff-5312d8452c48}

edgex-cli subscription name

Return a subscription by its unique name

$ edgex-cli subscription name -n "name01"
Name    Description  Channels                                                    Receiver    Categories  Labels
name01               [{REST localhost 7770 { POST} {  0 0 false false 0} {[]}}]  receiver01  []          [l1 l2 l3]

edgex-cli subscription list

List all subscriptions, optionally filtered by a given category, label or receiver

$ edgex-cli subscription list --label "l1"
Name    Description  Channels                                                    Receiver    Categories  Labels
name02               [{EMAIL  0 { } {  0 0 false false 0} {[]}}]    receiver01  []          [l1 l2 l3]
name01               [{REST localhost 7770 { POST} {  0 0 false false 0} {[]}}]  receiver01  []          [l1 l2 l3]

edgex-cli subscription rm

Delete the named subscription

$ edgex-cli subscription rm -n "name01" 

edgex-cli transmission list

To create a transmission, first create a subscription and notifications:

$ edgex-cli subscription add -n "Test-Subscription" --description "Test data for subscription" --categories "health-check" --labels "simple" --receiver "tafuser" --resend-limit 0 --admin-state "UNLOCKED" -c "[{\"type\": \"REST\", \"host\": \"localhost\", \"port\": 7770, \"httpMethod\": \"POST\"}]"
{{{v2} f281ec1a-876e-4a29-a14d-195b66d0506c  201} 3b489d23-b0c7-4791-b839-d9a578ebccb9}

$ edgex-cli notification add -d "Test data for notification 1" --category "health-check" --labels "simple" --content-type "string" --content "This is a test notification" --sender "taf-admin"
{{{v2} 8df79c7c-03fb-4626-b6e8-bf2d616fa327  201} 0be98b91-daf9-46e2-bcca-39f009d93866}

$ edgex-cli notification add -d "Test data for notification 2" --category "health-check" --labels "simple" --content-type "string" --content "This is a test notification" --sender "taf-admin"
{{{v2} ec0b2444-c8b0-45d0-bbd6-847dd007c2fd  201} a7c65d7d-0f9c-47e1-82c2-c8098c47c016}

$ edgex-cli notification add -d "Test data for notification 3" --category "health-check" --labels "simple" --content-type "string" --content "This is a test notification" --sender "taf-admin"
{{{v2} 45af7f94-c99e-4fb1-a632-fab5ff475be4  201} f982fc97-f53f-4154-bfce-3ef8666c3911}

Then list the transmissions:

$ edgex-cli transmission list
SubscriptionName   ResendCount  Status
Test-Subscription  0            FAILED
Test-Subscription  0            FAILED
Test-Subscription  0            FAILED

edgex-cli transmission id

Return a transmission by ID

$ ID=`edgex-cli transmission list -j | jq -r '.transmissions[0].id'`
$ edgex-cli transmission id -i $ID
SubscriptionName   ResendCount  Status
Test-Subscription  0            FAILED

edgex-cli transmission rm

Delete processed transmissions older than the specificed age (in milliseconds)

$ edgex-cli transmission rm -a 100