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Event Handling


Information in this page may be outdated.

The device service shall be able to use at least one way to retrieve events out of the following: * PullPoint - "Pull" using the CreatePullPointSubscription and PullMessage operations * BaseNotification - "Push" using Notify, Subscribe and Renew operations from WSBaseNotification

The spec can refer to and

Define the device resources for Event Handling

Define a CameraEvent resource for device service to publish the event

Before receiving the event data from the camera, we must define a device resource for the event.

- name: "CameraEvent"
 isHidden: true
 description: "This resource is used to send the async event reading to north bound"
   service: "EdgeX"
   getFunction: "CameraEvent"
   valueType: "Object"
   readWrite: "R"

Define device resource for PullPoint

  • Define a SubscribeCameraEvent resource with PullPoint subscribeType for creating the subscription

    - name: "SubscribeCameraEvent"
     isHidden: false
     description: "Create a subscription to subscribe the event from the camera"
       service: "EdgeX"
       setFunction: "SubscribeCameraEvent"
       # PullPoint | BaseNotification
       subscribeType: "PullPoint"
       defaultSubscriptionPolicy: ""
       defaultInitialTerminationTime: "PT1H"
       defaultAutoRenew: true
       defaultTopicFilter: "tns1:RuleEngine/TamperDetector"
       defaultMessageContentFilter: "boolean(//tt:SimpleItem[@Name=”IsTamper”])"
       defaultMessageTimeout: "PT5S"
       defaultMessageLimit: 10
       valueType: "Object"
       readWrite: "W"

  • Define an UnsubscribeCameraEvent resource for unsubscribing

    - name: "UnsubscribeCameraEvent"
     isHidden: false
     description: "Unsubscribe all event from the camera"
       service: "EdgeX"
       setFunction: "UnsubscribeCameraEvent"
       valueType: "Object"
       readWrite: "W"

Define device resource for BaseNotification

  • Define a SubscribeCameraEvent resource with BaseNotification subscribeType

    - name: "SubscribeCameraEvent"
     isHidden: false
     description: "Create a subscription to subscribe the event ..."
       service: "EdgeX"
       setFunction: "SubscribeCameraEvent"
       # PullPoint | BaseNotification
       subscribeType: "BaseNotification"
       defaultSubscriptionPolicy: ""
       defaultInitialTerminationTime: "PT1H"
       defaultAutoRenew: true
       defaultTopicFilter: "..."
       defaultMessageContentFilter: "..."
       valueType: "Object"
       readWrite: "W"

  • Define a driver config BaseNotificationURL to indicate the device service network location

    # configuration.toml
    # BaseNotificationURL indicates the device service network location, the user must replace the host to match their machine
    BaseNotificationURL = ""

Device service will generate the following path for pushing event from Camera to device service: - {BaseNotificationURL}/api/v2/resource/{DeviceName}/{ResourceName} - {BaseNotificationURL}/api/v2/resource/Camera1/CameraEvent


The user can also override the config from the docker-compose environment variable:

export HOST_IP=$(ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet " | awk '{ print $2 }')
Then the device service can be accessed by the external camera from the other subnetwork.

Define device resource for unsubscribing the event

  - name: "UnsubscribeCameraEvent"
    isHidden: true
    description: "Unsubscribe all subscription from the camera"
      service: "EdgeX"
      setFunction: "UnsubscribeCameraEvent"
      valueType: "Object"
      readWrite: "W"

Find the supported Event Topics

Finding out what notifications a camera supports and what information they contain:

curl --request GET 'http://localhost:59882/api/v2/device/name/Camera003/GetEventProperties'

Create a Pull Point

User can create pull point with the following command:

curl --request PUT 'http://localhost:59882/api/v2/device/name/Camera003/PullPointSubscription' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "PullPointSubscription": {
        "MessageContentFilter": "boolean(//tt:SimpleItem[@Name=\"Rule\"])",
        "InitialTerminationTime": "PT120S",
        "MessageTimeout": "PT20S"


  • Device service uses a loop to pull message, and the subscription auto-renew by camera
  • Device service create a new pull point when the pull point expired
  • User can unsubscribe the subscription, then the device service will stop the loop to pull the message and execute unsubscribe Onvif function.

Create a BaseNotification

User can create subscription, the InitialTerminationTime is required and should greater than ten seconds:

curl --request PUT 'http://localhost:59882/api/v2/device/name/Camera003/BaseNotificationSubscription' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "BaseNotificationSubscription": {
        "TopicFilter": "tns1:RuleEngine/TamperDetector/Tamper",
        "InitialTerminationTime": "PT180S"


  • Device service send Renew request every ten second before termination time
  • User can unsubscribe the subscription, then the device service stop to renew the subscription

Unsubscribe all subscriptions

The user can unsubscribe all subscriptions(PullPoint and BaseNotification) from the camera with the following command:

curl --request PUT 'http://localhsot:59882/api/v2/device/name/Camera003/UnsubscribeCameraEvent' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "UnsubscribeCameraEvent": {