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Follow this guide to deploy and run the service.

Deploy EdgeX and ONVIF Device Camera Microservice

  1. Navigate to the EdgeX compose-builder directory:

    cd edgex-compose/compose-builder/
  2. Run EdgeX with the microservice in non-secure mode:

    make run no-secty ds-onvif-camera
  3. Run EdgeX with the microservice in secure mode:

    make run ds-onvif-camera


Go version 1.20+ is required to run natively. See here for more information.

  1. Navigate to the EdgeX compose-builder directory:

    cd edgex-compose/compose-builder/
  2. Run EdgeX:

    make run no-secty
  3. Navigate out of the edgex-compose directory to the device-onvif-camera directory:

    cd device-onvif-camera
  4. Run the service

    make run

    [Optional] Run with NATS
    make run-nats

Verify Service and Device Profiles

  1. Check the status of the container:

    docker ps

    The status column will indicate if the container is running, and how long it has been up.

    Example Output:

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                       COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS          PORTS                                                                                         NAMES
    33f9c5ecb70e    "/device-onvif-camer…"   7 weeks ago   Up 48 minutes>59985/tcp                                                                    edgex-device-onvif-camera
  2. Check whether the device service is added to EdgeX:

    curl -s http://localhost:59881/api/v2/deviceservice/name/device-onvif-camera | jq .
    Good response:
          "apiVersion": "v2",
          "statusCode": 200,
          "service": {
             "created": 1657227634593,
             "modified": 1657291447649,
             "id": "e1883aa7-f440-447f-ad4d-effa2aeb0ade",
             "name": "device-onvif-camera",
             "baseAddress": "http://edgex-device-onvif-camera:59984",
             "adminState": "UNLOCKED"
    Bad response:
       "apiVersion": "v2",
       "message": "fail to query device service by name device-onvif-camer",
       "statusCode": 404

  3. Check whether the device profile is added:

    curl -s http://localhost:59881/api/v2/deviceprofile/name/onvif-camera | jq -r '"profileName: " + '' + "\nstatusCode: " + (.statusCode|tostring)'
    Good response:
    profileName: onvif-camera
    statusCode: 200
    Bad response:
    statusCode: 404


    jq -r is used to reduce the size of the displayed response. The entire device profile with all resources can be seen by removing -r '"profileName: " + '' + "\nstatusCode: " + (.statusCode|tostring)', and replacing it with '.'

  1. Visit http://localhost:4000 to go to the dashboard for EdgeX Console GUI:


    Figure 1: EdgeX Console Dashboard

  2. To see Device Services, Devices, or Device Profiles, click on their respective tab:


    Figure 2: EdgeX Console Device Service List


    Figure 3: EdgeX Console Device List


    Figure 4: EdgeX Console Device Profile List

Manage Devices

Follow these instructions to update devices.

Curl Commands

Add Device

  1. Edit the information to appropriately match the camera. The fields Address, MACAddress and Port should match that of the camera:

    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
    http://localhost:59881/api/v2/device \
    -d '[
                "apiVersion": "v2",
                "device": {
                   "serviceName": "device-onvif-camera",
                   "profileName": "onvif-camera",
                   "description": "My test camera",
                   "adminState": "UNLOCKED",
                   "operatingState": "UP",
                   "protocols": {
                      "Onvif": {
                         "Address": "",
                         "Port": "10000",
                         "MACAddress": "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33",
                         "FriendlyName":"Default Camera"
                      "CustomMetadata": {
                         "Location":"Front door"

    Example Output:


  2. Map credentials using the script.
    a. Run bin/
    b. Select (Create New)
    c. Enter the Secret Path to associate with these credentials

    d. Enter the username

    e. Enter the password

    f. Choose the Authentication Mode

    g. Assign one or more MAC Addresses to the credential group

    h. Learn more about updating credentials here


    Dependencies Check: Success
          Consul Check: ...
                      curl -X GET http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/edgex/v3/device-onvif-camera?keys=true
    Response [200]      Success
    curl -X GET http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/edgex/v3/device-onvif-camera/AppCustom/CredentialsMap?keys=true
    Response [200] 
    Secret Path: a
    curl -X GET http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/edgex/v3/device-onvif-camera/AppCustom/CredentialsMap/a?raw=true
    Response [404] 
    Failed! curl returned a status code of '404'
    Setting InsecureSecret: a/SecretPath
    curl --data "<redacted>" -X PUT http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/edgex/v3/device-onvif-camera/Writable/InsecureSecrets/a/SecretPath
    Response [200] true
    Setting InsecureSecret: a/SecretData/username
    curl --data "<redacted>" -X PUT http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/edgex/v3/device-onvif-camera/Writable/InsecureSecrets/a/SecretData/username
    Response [200] true
    Setting InsecureSecret: a/SecretData/password
    curl --data "<redacted>" -X PUT http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/edgex/v3/device-onvif-camera/Writable/InsecureSecrets/a/SecretData/password
    Response [200] true
    Setting InsecureSecret: a/SecretData/mode
    curl --data "usern<redacted>metoken" -X PUT http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/edgex/v3/device-onvif-camera/Writable/InsecureSecrets/a/SecretData/mode
    Response [200] true
    Setting Credentials Map: a = ''
    curl -X PUT http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/edgex/v3/device-onvif-camera/AppCustom/CredentialsMap/a
    Response [200] true
    Secret Path: a
    curl -X GET http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/edgex/v3/device-onvif-camera/AppCustom/CredentialsMap/a?raw=true
    Response [200] 
    Setting Credentials Map: a = '11:22:33:44:55:66'
    curl --data "11:22:33:44:55:66" -X PUT http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/edgex/v3/device-onvif-camera/AppCustom/CredentialsMap/a
    Response [200] true
  3. Verify device(s) have been succesfully added to core-metadata.

    curl -s http://localhost:59881/api/v2/device/all | jq -r '"deviceName: " + '.devices[].name''

    Example Output: bash deviceName: Camera001 deviceName: device-onvif-camera


    jq -r is used to reduce the size of the displayed response. The entire device with all information can be seen by removing -r '"deviceName: " + '.devices[].name'', and replacing it with '.'

Update Device

There are multiple commands that can update aspects of the camera entry in meta-data. Refer to the Swagger documentation for Core Metadata for more information. For editing specific fields, see the General Usage tab.

Delete Device

curl -X 'DELETE' \
'http://localhost:59881/api/v2/device/name/<device name>' \
-H 'accept: application/json' 

Shutting Down

To stop all EdgeX services (containers), execute the make down command. This will stop all services but not the images and volumes, which still exist.

  1. Navigate to the edgex-compose/compose-builder directory.
  2. Run this command
    make down
  3. To shut down and delete all volumes, run this command
    make clean

Next Steps

Learn how to use the device service>

