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Register your device service

Our next task in this walkthrough is to have the device service register or define itself in EdgeX. That is, it can proclaim to EdgeX that "I have arrived and am functional."

Register with Core Configuration and Registration

Part of that registration process of the device service, indeed any EdgeX micro service, is to register itself with the core configuration & registration. In this process, the micro service provides its location to the Config/Reg micro service and picks up any new/latest configuration information from this central service. Since there is no real device service in this walkthrough demonstration, this part of the inter-micro service exchange is not explored here.

Device Service

See core metadata API for more details.

At this point in your walkthrough, the device service must create a representative instance of itself in core metadata. It is in this registration that the device service is given an address that allows core command or any EdgeX service to communicate with it.

The name of the device service must be unique across all of EdgeX. When registering a device service, the initial admin state can be provided. The administrative state (aka admin state) provides control of the device service by man or other systems. It can be set to LOCKED or UNLOCKED. When a device service is set to LOCKED, it is not suppose to respond to any command requests nor send data from the devices. See Admin State documentation for more details.

EdgeX 2.0

As of Ireland/V2, device service names may only contain unreserved characters which are ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_~

Walkthrough - Device Service

Use either the Postman or Curl tab below to walkthrough creating the DeviceService.

Make a POST request to http://localhost:59881/api/v2/deviceservice with the following body:

    "apiVersion": "v2",
    "service": {
    "name": "camera-control-device-service",
    "description": "Manage human and dog counting cameras",
    "adminState": "UNLOCKED",
    "labels": [
    "baseAddress": "camera-device-service:59990"

Be sure that you are POSTing raw data, not form-encoded data. If your API call is successful, you will get a generated ID for your new DeviceService in the response area.

Make a curl POST request as shown below.

curl -X 'POST' 'http://localhost:59881/api/v2/deviceservice' -d '[{"apiVersion": "v2","service": {"name": "camera-control-device-service","description": "Manage human and dog counting cameras", "adminState": "UNLOCKED", "labels": ["camera","counter"], "baseAddress": "camera-device-service:59990"}}]'

If your API call is successful, you will get a generated ID for your new DeviceService.

Test the GET API

If you make a GET call to the http://localhost:59881/api/v2/deviceservice/all URL (with Postman or curl) you will get a listing (in JSON) of all the device services currently defined in your instance of EdgeX, including the one you just added.

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