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App Service Examples

The following is a list of examples we currently have available that demonstrate various ways that the Application Functions SDK or App Service Configurable can be used. All of the examples can be found here in the edgex-examples repo. They focus on how to leverage various built in provided functions as mentioned above as well as how to write your own in the case that the SDK does not provide what is needed.

Example Name
Simple Filter XML Demonstrates Filtering of Events by Device names and transforming data to XML
Simple Filter XML HTTP Same example as #1, but result published to HTTP Endpoint
Simple Filter XML MQTT Same example as #1, but result published to MQTT Broker
Simple CBOR Filter Demonstrates Filtering of Events by Resource names for Event that is CBOR encoded containing a binary reading
Advanced Filter Convert Publish Demonstrates Filtering of Events by Resource names, custom function to convert the reading and them publish the modified Event back to the MessageBus under a different topic.
Advanced Target Type Demonstrates use of custom Target Type and use of HTTP Trigger
Cloud Export MQTT Demonstrates simple custom Cloud transform and exporting to Cloud MQTT Broker.
Cloud Event Transform Demonstrates custom transforms that convert Event/Readings to and from Cloud Events
Send Command Demonstrates sending commands to a Device via the Command Client.
Secrets Demonstrates how to retrieve secrets from the service SecretStore
Custom Trigger Demonstrates how to create and use a custom trigger
NATS RPC Demonstrates how to create a synchronous request/reply trigger using NATS messaging
Fledge Export Demonstrates custom conversion of Event/Reading to Fledge format and then exporting to Fledge service REST endpoint
Influxdb Export Demonstrates custom conversion of Event/Reading to InfluxDB timeseries format and then exporting to InFluxDB via MQTT
Json Logic Demonstrates using the built in JSONLogic Evaluate pipeline function
IBM Export Profile Demonstrates a custom App Service Configurable profile for exporting to IBM Cloud