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Adding EdgeX API Gateway Users Remotely

EdgeX 2.1

Want to know what's new in EdgeX 2.1 (Jakarta)? If you are already familiar with EdgeX, look for the EdgeX 2.1 emoji (Edgey - the EdgeX mascot) throughout the documentation - like the one on this page outlining what's in the Ireland release. These sections will give you a summary of what's new in each area of the documentation.

Starting in EdgeX Ireland, the API gateway administrative interface is exposed by the /admin sub-URL of the gateway. Using this interface, and a special admin-only JWT, it is possible to remotely add gateway users. Support for this method in secrets-config was added in EdgeX Jakarta.

Pre-requisite: Obtain a Kong Admin JWT

When EdgeX starts, the security-secretstore-setup utility creates a special administrative JWT and writes a Kong configuration file to trust it. The reasons why this is done here is explained in detail in

For security reasons, the created JWT is transient in nature: the private key used to create it is destroyed after the JWT is generated, and a new JWT using a new key is created each time the EdgeX framework is started. This prevents exfiltration of a private key that could be used to permanently compromise the security of a given EdgeX host.

If long-term access to the API gateway admin API is desired, it is left as an excersise to the reader to seed the Kong database with administrative public key whose private key is not known to the EdgeX framework and will persist across reboots. This could be done, for example, by creating a custom EdgeX microservice that has access to kong-admin-jwt and uses it to seed another user in the admin group. Alternatively, one could override kong-admin-config.template.yml to include an additional user and key. It is advisable to make such a key unique to the machine (best) or unique to the deployment (second best). It is inadvisable to code such a key into source code such that it would be shared across deployments.

For now, let us make a copy the kong-admin-jwt:

sudo cp /tmp/edgex/secrets/security-proxy-setup/kong-admin-jwt .
sudo chmod 400 kong-admin-jwt
sudo chown "${USER}:${USER}" kong-admin-jwt

Create ID and Credential for the Gateway User

For the new user, create a unique ID and a public/private keypair to authenticate the user.

test -f || uuidgen >
test -f gateway.key || openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out gateway.key 2> /dev/null
test -f || openssl ec -in gateway.key -pubout -out 2> /dev/null

Retain these files,, gateway.key, and to create a JWT to access the proxy later. The file contains a unique value, in this case, a GUID, that the gateway uses to look up the public key needed to validate the JWT.

Create an proxy user and credential

First, let us extract the secrets-config utility from an existing EdgeX container. The utility can also be built from source to the same effect.

CORE_EDGEX_VERSION=2.0.0 # Update to verion for Jakarta release

docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/cat "${PROXY_SETUP_CONTAINER}" /edgex/secrets-config > secrets-config
chmod +x secrets-config
test -d res || mkdir res
docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/cat "${PROXY_SETUP_CONTAINER}" /edgex/res/configuration.toml > res/configuration.toml

Then, let us add a user to the gateway. Note: Currently one must use the string "gateway" as the group.

ADMIN_JWT=`cat kong-admin-jwt`
export KONGURL_SERVER=<ip address of gateway>
./secrets-config proxy adduser --token-type jwt --id ${ID} --algorithm ES256 --public_key --user "${GW_USER}" --group "${GW_GROUP}" --jwt "${ADMIN_JWT}"

Creating JWTs to access the gateway

The secrets-config utility has a helper method to create a JWT from the ID and private key:

By default, the resulting JWT is valid for only one hour. This can be changed with the --expiration flag if needed.

USER_JWT=`./secrets-config proxy jwt --algorithm ES256 --id ${ID} --private_key gateway.key`

Use the resulting JWT to call an EdgeX API method through the gateway:

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${USER_JWT}" "https://localhost:8443/core-data/api/v2/ping"


{"apiVersion":"v2","timestamp":"Fri Sep  3 00:33:58 UTC 2021"}