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App Service Configurable

Getting Started

App-Service-Configurable is provided as an easy way to get started with processing data flowing through EdgeX. This service leverages the App Functions SDK and provides a way for developers to use configuration instead of having to compile standalone services to utilize built in functions in the SDK. Please refer to Available Configurable Pipeline Functions section below for full list of built-in functions that can be used in the configurable pipeline.

To get started with App Service Configurable, you'll want to start by determining which functions are required in your pipeline. Using a simple example, let's assume you wish to use the following functions from the SDK:

  1. FilterByDeviceName - to filter events for a specific device.
  2. Transform - to transform the data to XML
  3. HTTPExport - to send the data to an HTTP endpoint that takes our XML data

Once the functions have been identified, we'll go ahead and build out the configuration in the configuration.toml file under the [Writable.Pipeline] section.

Example - Writable.Pipeline

LogLevel = "DEBUG"
    ExecutionOrder = "FilterByDeviceName, Transform, HTTPExport"
        FilterValues = "Random-Float-Device, Random-Integer-Device"
        Type = "xml"
        Method = "post" 
        MimeType = "application/xml" 
        Url = ""

The first line of note is ExecutionOrder = "FilterByDeviceName, Transform, HTTPExport". This specifies the order in which to execute your functions. Each function specified here must also be placed in the [Writeable.Pipeline.Functions] section.

Next, each function and its required information is listed. Each function typically has associated Parameters that must be configured to properly execute the function as designated by [Writable.Pipeline.Functions.{FunctionName}.Parameters]. Knowing which parameters are required for each function, can be referenced by taking a look at the Available Configurable Pipeline Functions section below.


By default, the configuration provided is set to use EdgexMessageBus as a trigger. This means you must have EdgeX Running with devices sending data in order to trigger the pipeline. You can also change the trigger to be HTTP. For more details on triggers, view the Triggersdocumentation located in the Triggers section.

That's it! Now we can run/deploy this service and the functions pipeline will process the data with functions we've defined.

Pipeline Per Topics

EdgeX 2.1

Pipeline Per Topics is new for EdgeX 2.1

The above pipeline configuration in Getting Started section is the preferred way if your use case only requires a single functions pipeline. For use cases that require multiple functions pipelines in order to process the data differently based on the profile, device or source for the Event, there is the Pipeline Per Topics feature. This feature allows multiple pipelines to be configured in the [Writable.Pipeline.PerTopicPipelines]section. This section is a map of pipelines. The map key must be unique , but isn't used so can be any value. Each pipleline is defined by the following configuration settings:

  • Id - This is the unique ID given to each pipeline
  • Topics - Comma separated list of topics that control when the pipeline is executed. See Pipeline Per Topics for details on using wildcards in the topic.
  • ExecutionOrder - This is the list of functions, in order, that the pipeline will execute. Same as ExecutionOrder in the above example in the Getting Started section

Example - Writable.Pipeline.PerTopicPipelines

In this example Events from the device Random-Float-Device are transformed to JSON and then HTTP exported. At the same time, Events for the source Int8 are transformed to XML and then HTTP exported to same endpoint. Note the custom naming for TransformJson and TransformXml. This is taking advantage of the Multiple Instances of a Function described below.

LogLevel = "DEBUG"
      Id = "float-pipeline"
      Topics = "edgex/events/device/#/Random-Float-Device/#, edgex/events/device/#/Random-Integer-Device/#"
      ExecutionOrder = "TransformJson, HTTPExport"
      Id = "int8-pipeline"
      Topic = "edgex/events/device/#/#/Int8"
      ExecutionOrder = "TransformXml, HTTPExport"  
        FilterValues = "Random-Float-Device, Random-Integer-Device"
        Type = "json"
        Type = "xml"        
        Method = "post" 
        MimeType = "application/xml" 
        Url = ""


The Pipeline Per Topics feature is targeted for EdgeX MessageBus and External MQTT triggers, but can be used with Custom or HTTP triggers. When used with the HTTP trigger the incoming topic will always be blank, so the pipeline's topics must contain a single topic set to the # wildcard so that all messages received are processed by the pipeline.

Environment Variable Overrides For Docker

EdgeX services no longer have docker specific profiles. They now rely on environment variable overrides in the docker compose files for the docker specific differences.

Example - Environment settings required in the compose files for App Service Configurable

      EDGEX_PROFILE : [target profile]
      SERVICE_HOST : [services network host name]
      EDGEX_SECURITY_SECRET_STORE: "false" # only need to disable as default is true
      CLIENTS_CORE_COMMAND_HOST: edgex-core-command
      CLIENTS_CORE_DATA_HOST: edgex-core-data
      CLIENTS_CORE_METADATA_HOST: edgex-core-metadata
      CLIENTS_SUPPORT_NOTIFICATIONS_HOST: edgex-support-notifications
      CLIENTS_SUPPORT_SCHEDULER_HOST: edgex-support-scheduler
      DATABASES_PRIMARY_HOST: edgex-redis
      MESSAGEQUEUE_HOST: edgex-redis
      REGISTRY_HOST: edgex-core-consul

Example - Docker compose entry for App Service Configurable in no-secure compose file

    container_name: edgex-app-rules-engine
    - consul
    - data
      CLIENTS_CORE_COMMAND_HOST: edgex-core-command
      CLIENTS_CORE_DATA_HOST: edgex-core-data
      CLIENTS_CORE_METADATA_HOST: edgex-core-metadata
      CLIENTS_SUPPORT_NOTIFICATIONS_HOST: edgex-support-notifications
      CLIENTS_SUPPORT_SCHEDULER_HOST: edgex-support-scheduler
      DATABASES_PRIMARY_HOST: edgex-redis
      EDGEX_PROFILE: rules-engine
      MESSAGEQUEUE_HOST: edgex-redis
      REGISTRY_HOST: edgex-core-consul
      SERVICE_HOST: edgex-app-rules-engine
    hostname: edgex-app-rules-engine
    image: edgexfoundry/app-service-configurable:2.0.0
      edgex-network: {}
    read_only: true
    - no-new-privileges:true
    user: 2002:2001


App Service Configurable is designed to be run multiple times each with different profiles. This is why in the above example the name edgex-app-rules-engine is used for the instance running the rules-engine profile.

Deploying Multiple Instances using profiles

App Service Configurable was designed to be deployed as multiple instances for different purposes. Since the function pipeline is specified in the configuration.toml file, we can use this as a way to run each instance with a different function pipeline. App Service Configurable does not have the standard default configuration at /res/configuration.toml. This default configuration has been moved to the sample profile. This forces you to specify the profile for the configuration you would like to run. The profile is specified using the -p/--profile=[profilename] command line option or the EDGEX_PROFILE=[profilename] environment variable override. The profile name selected is used in the service key (app-[profile name]) to make each instance unique, e.g. AppService-sample when specifying sample as the profile.

Edgex 2.0

Default service key for App Service Configurable instances has changed in Edgex 2.0 from AppService-[profile name] to app-[profile name]


If you need to run multiple instances with the same profile, e.g. http-export, but configured differently, you will need to override the service key with a custom name for one or more of the services. This is done with the -sk/-serviceKey command-line option or the EDGEX_SERVICE_KEY environment variable. See the Command-line Options and Environment Overrides sections for more detail.

The following profiles and their purposes are provided with App Service Configurable.

  • rules-engine - Profile used to push Event messages to the Rules Engine via the Redis Pub/Sub Message Bus. This is used in the default docker compose files for the app-rules-engine service

    One can optionally add Filter function via environment overrides


    There are many optional functions and parameters provided in this profile. See the complete profile for more details

  • http-export - Starter profile used for exporting data via HTTP. Requires further configuration which can easily be accomplished using environment variable overrides

    • Required:

    There are many more optional functions and parameters provided in this profile. See the complete profile for more details.

  • mqtt-export - Starter profile used for exporting data via MQTT. Requires further configuration which can easily be accomplished using environment variable overrides

    • Required:

    There are many optional functions and parameters provided in this profile. See the complete profile for more details

  • push-to-core - Example profile demonstrating how to use the PushToCore function. Provided as an exmaple that can be copied and modified to create new custom profile. See the complete profile for more details

    Requires further configuration which can easily be accomplished using environment variable overrides

    • Required:
    • WRITABLE_PIPELINE_FUNCTIONS_PUSHTOCORE_MEDIATYPE: [Your Event binary reading's media type]
      • Required only when ValueType is Binary
  • sample - Sample profile with all available functions declared and a sample pipeline. Provided as a sample that can be copied and modified to create new custom profiles. See the complete profile for more details

  • functional-tests - Profile used for the TAF functional testing


Functions can be declared in a profile but not used in the pipeline ExecutionOrder allowing them to be added to the pipeline ExecutionOrder later at runtime if needed.

What if my input data isn't an EdgeX Event ?

The default TargetType for data flowing into the functions pipeline is an EdgeX Event DTO. There are cases when this incoming data might not be an EdgeX Event DTO. In these cases the Pipeline can be configured using UseTargetTypeOfByteArray=true to set the TargetType to be a byte array/slice, i.e. []byte. The first function in the pipeline must then be one that can handle the []byte data. The compression, encryption and export functions are examples of pipeline functions that will take input data that is []byte.

Example - Configure the functions pipeline to compress, encrypt and then export the []byte data via HTTP

  LogLevel = "DEBUG"
    UseTargetTypeOfByteArray = true
    ExecutionOrder = "Compress, Encrypt, HTTPExport"
      Alogrithm = "gzip"
        Algorithm = "aes"
        Key = "aquqweoruqwpeoruqwpoeruqwpoierupqoweiurpoqwiuerpqowieurqpowieurpoqiweuroipwqure"
        InitVector = "123456789012345678901234567890"
      Method = "post"
      Url = ""
      MimeType = "application/text"

If along with this pipeline configuration, you also configured the Trigger to be http trigger, you could then send any data to the app-service-configurable' s /api/v2/trigger endpoint and have it compressed, encrypted and sent to your configured URL above.

Example - HTTP Trigger configuration


Multiple Instances of a Function

Edgex 2.0

New for EdgeX 2.0

Now multiple instances of the same configurable pipeline function can be specified, configured differently and used together in the functions pipeline. Previously the function names specified in the [Writable.Pipeline.Functions] section had to match a built-in configurable pipeline function name exactly. Now the names specified only need to start with a built-in configurable pipeline function name. See the HttpExport section below for an example.

Available Configurable Pipeline Functions

Below are the functions that are available to use in the configurable pipeline function pipeline ([Writable.Pipeline]) section of the configuration. The function names below can be added to the Writable.Pipeline.ExecutionOrder setting (comma separated list) and must also be present or added to the [Writable.Pipeline.Functions] section as [Writable.Pipeline.Functions.{FunctionName}]. The functions will also have the [Writable.Pipeline.Functions.{FunctionName}.Parameters] section where the function's parameters are configured. Please refer to the Getting Started section above for an example.


The Parameters section for each function is a key/value map of string values. So even tough the parameter is referred to as an Integer or Boolean, it has to be specified as a valid string representation, e.g. "20" or "true".

Please refer to the function's detailed documentation by clicking the function name below.



  • tags - String containing comma separated list of tag key/value pairs. The tag key/value pairs are colon seperated


      tags = "GatewayId:HoustonStore000123,Latitude:29.630771,Longitude:-95.377603"



  • Mode- The batch mode to use. can be 'bycount', 'bytime' or 'bytimecount'
  • BatchThreshold - Number of items to batch before sending batched items to the next function in the pipeline. Used with 'bycount' and 'bytimecount' modes
  • TimeInterval - Amount of time to batch before sending batched items to the next function in the pipeline. Used with 'bytime' and 'bytimecount' modes
  • IsEventData - If true, specifies that the data being batch is Events and to un-marshal the batched data to []Event prior to returning the batched data. By default the batched data returned is [][]byte


      Mode = "bytimecount" # can be "bycount", "bytime" or "bytimecount"
      BatchThreshold = "30"
      TimeInterval = "60s"
      IsEventData = "true"

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the BatchByCount, BatchByTime, and BatchByTimeCount configurable pipeline functions have been replaced by single Batch configurable pipeline function with additional Mode parameter.

EdgeX 2.1

The IsEventData setting is new for EdgeX 2.1



  • Algorithm - Compression algorithm to use. Can be 'gzip' or 'zlib'


      Algorithm = "gzip"

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the CompressWithGZIP and CompressWithZLIB configurable pipeline functions have been replaced by the single Compress configurable pipeline function with additional Algorithm parameter.



  • Algorithm - AES (deprecated) or AES256
  • Key - (optional, deprecated) Encryption key used for the encryption. Required if not using Secret Store for the encryption key data
  • InitVector - (deprecated) Initialization vector used for the encryption.
  • SecretPath - (required for AES256) Path in the Secret Store where the encryption key is located. Required if Key not specified.
  • SecretName - (required for AES256) Name of the secret for the encryption key in the Secret Store. Required if Key not specified.


    # Encrypt with key specified in configuration
      Algorithm = "aes" 
      Key = "aquqweoruqwpeoruqwpoeruqwpoierupqoweiurpoqwiuerpqowieurqpowieurpoqiweuroipwqure"
      InitVector = "123456789012345678901234567890"
    # Encrypt with key pulled from Secret Store
      Algorithm = "aes"
      InitVector = "123456789012345678901234567890"
      SecretPath = "aes"
      SecretName = "key"

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the EncryptWithAES configurable pipeline function have been replaced by the Encrypt configurable pipeline function with additional Algorithm parameter. In addition the ability to pull the encryption key from the Secret Store has been added.



  • DeviceNames - Comma separated list of device names for filtering
  • FilterOut- Boolean indicating if the data matching the device names should be filtered out or filtered for.


        DeviceNames = "Random-Float-Device,Random-Integer-Device"
        FilterOut = "false"



  • ProfileNames - Comma separated list of profile names for filtering
  • FilterOut- Boolean indicating if the data matching the profile names should be filtered out or filtered for.


      ProfileNames = "Random-Float-Device, Random-Integer-Device"
      FilterOut = "false"

EdgeX 2.0

The FilterByProfileName configurable pipeline function is new for EdgeX 2.0



  • ResourceName - Comma separated list of reading resource names for filtering
  • FilterOut- Boolean indicating if the readings matching the resource names should be filtered out or filtered for.


       ResourceNames = "Int8, Int64"
        FilterOut = "true"

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the FilterByValueDescriptor configurable pipeline function has been renamed to FilterByResourceName and parameter names adjusted.



  • SourceNames - Comma separated list of source names for filtering. Source name is either the device command name or the resource name that created the Event
  • FilterOut- Boolean indicating if the data matching the device names should be filtered out or filtered for.


      SourceNames = "Bool, BoolArray"
      FilterOut = "false"

EdgeX 2.0

The FilterBySourceName configurable pipeline function is new for EdgeX 2.0



  • Method - HTTP Method to use. Can be post or put
  • Url - HTTP endpoint to POST/PUT the data.
  • MimeType - Optional mime type for the data. Defaults to application/json if not set.
  • PersistOnError - Indicates to persist the data if the POST fails. Store and Forward must also be enabled if this is set to "true".
  • ContinueOnSendError - For chained multi destination exports, if true continues after send error so next export function executes.
  • ReturnInputData - For chained multi destination exports if true, passes the input data to next export function.
  • HeaderName - (Optional) Name of the header key to add to the HTTP header
  • SecretPath - (Optional) Path of the secret in the Secret Store where the header value is stored.
  • SecretName - (Optional) Name of the secret for the header value in the Secret Store.


    # Simple HTTP Export
      Method = "post" 
      MimeType = "application/xml" 
      Url = "" 
    # HTTP Export with secret header data pull from Secret Store
      Method = "post" 
      MimeType = "application/xml" 
      Url = ""
      HeaderName = "MyApiKey" 
      SecretPath = "http" 
      SecretName = "apikey"
    # Http Export to multiple destinations
    ExecutionOrder ="HTTPExport1, HTTPExport2"

      Method = "post" 
      MimeType = "application/xml" 
      Url = "" 
      ContinueOnSendError = "true"
      ReturnInputData = "true"
      Method = "put" 
      MimeType = "application/xml" 
      Url = ""

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the HTTPPost, HTTPPostJSON, HTTPPostXML, HTTPPut, HTTPPutJSON, and HTTPPutXML configurable pipeline functions have been replaced by the single HTTPExport function with additional Method parameter. ContinueOnSendError and ReturnInputData parameter have been added to support multi destination exports. In addition the HeaderName and SecretName parameters have replaced the SecretHeaderName parameter.

EdgeX 2.0

The capability to chain Http Export functions to export to multiple destinations is new for Edgex 2.0.

EdgeX 2.0

Multiple instances (configured differently) of the same configurable pipeline function is new for EdgeX 2.0. The function names in the Writable.Pipeline.Functions section now only need to start with a built-in configurable pipeline function name, rather than be an exact match.



  • Rule - The JSON formatted rule that with be executed on the data by JSONLogic


      Rule = "{ \"and\" : [{\"<\" : [{ \"var\" : \"temp\" }, 110 ]}, {\"==\" : [{ \"var\" : \"sensor.type\" }, \"temperature\" ]} ] }"



  • BrokerAddress - URL specify the address of the MQTT Broker
  • Topic - Topic to publish the data
  • ClientId - Id to use when connecting to the MQTT Broker
  • Qos - MQTT Quality of Service (QOS) setting to use (0, 1 or 2). Please refer here for more details on QOS values
  • AutoReconnect - Boolean specifying if reconnect should be automatic if connection to MQTT broker is lost
  • Retain - Boolean specifying if the MQTT Broker should save the last message published as the “Last Good Message” on that topic.
  • SkipVerify - Boolean indicating if the certificate verification should be skipped.
  • PersistOnError - Indicates to persist the data if the POST fails. Store and Forward must also be enabled if this is set to "true".
  • AuthMode - Mode of authentication to use when connecting to the MQTT Broker
    • none - No authentication required
    • usernamepassword - Use username and password authentication. The Secret Store (Vault or InsecureSecrets) must contain the username and password secrets.
    • clientcert - Use Client Certificate authentication. The Secret Store (Vault or InsecureSecrets) must contain the clientkey and clientcert secrets.
    • cacert - Use CA Certificate authentication. The Secret Store (Vault or InsecureSecrets) must contain the cacert secret.
  • SecretPath - Path in the secret store where authentication secrets are stored.


Authmode=cacert is only needed when client authentication (e.g. usernamepassword) is not required, but a CA Cert is needed to validate the broker's SSL/TLS cert.


    # Simple MQTT Export
      BrokerAddress = "tcps://localhost:8883"
      Topic = "mytopic"
      ClientId = "myclientid"
    # MQTT Export with auth credentials pull from the Secret Store
      BrokerAddress = "tcps://"
      Topic = "mytopic"
      ClientId = "myclientid"
      SkipVerify = "false"
      PersistOnError = "true"
      AuthMode = "usernamepassword"
      SecretPath = "mqtt"

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the MQTTSecretSend configurable pipeline function has been renamed to MQTTExport and the deprecated MQTTSend configurable pipeline function has been removed



  • ProfileName - Profile name to use for the new Event
  • DeviceName - Device name to use for the new Event
  • ResourceName - Resource name name to use for the new Event'sSourceName and Reading's ResourceName
  • ValueType - Value type to use the new Event Reading's value type
  • MediaType - Media type to use the new Event Reading's value type. Required when the value type is Binary


      ProfileName = "MyProfile"
      DeviceName = "MyDevice"
      ResourceName = "SomeResource"
      ValueType = "String"

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the ProfileName, ValueType and MediaType parameters are new and the ReadingName parameter has been renamed to ResourceName.



  • ResponseContentType - Used to specify content-type header for response - optional


      ResponseContentType = "application/json"

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the SetOutputData configurable pipeline function has been renamed to SetResponseData .



  • Type - Type of transformation to perform. Can be 'xml' or 'json'


      Type = "xml"

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the TransformToJSON and TransformToXML configurable pipeline functions have been replaced by the single Transform configurable pipeline function with additional Type parameter.