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System Management Agent (SMA)



The SMA serves as the connection point of management control for an EdgeX instance.

Management Architecture

The SMA serves as the proxy for management requests. Some management requests (metrics requests and operations to start, stop and restart services) are routed to an executor for execution. Other requests (for service configuration) are routed to the services for a response. Configuration information is only available by asking each service for its current configuration. Metrics and operations (tasks to start, stop, restart) typically need to be performed by some other software that can perform the task best under the platform / deployment environment. When running EdgeX in a Docker Engine, Docker can provide service metrics like memory and CPU usage to the requestor. If EdgeX services were running non-containerized in a Linux environment, the request may be best performed by some Linux shell script or by sysd. An executor encapsulates the implementation for the metrics gathering and start, stop, restart operations. That implementation of the executor can vary based on OS, platform environment, etc. EdgeX defines the system management executor interface and a reference implementation which utilizes Docker (for situations when EdgeX is run in Docker) to responsd to metrics and start, stop, and restart operations.


Examples of API Calls

To get an appreciation for some SMA API calls in action, it is instructive to look at what responses the SMA provides to the caller, for the respective calls. The tabs below provide the API path and corresponding response for each of the system management capabilities.


Notice, too, the error messages returned by the SMA, should it encounter a problem.

Example request: /api/v1/metrics/edgex-core-command,edgex-core-data

Corresponding response, in JSON format:


Example request: /api/v1/config/device-simple,edgex-core-data

Corresponding response, in JSON format:

    "Configuration": {
        "device-simple": "device-simple service is not registered. Might not have started... ",
        "edgex-core-data": {
            "Clients": {
                "Logging": {
                    "Host": "localhost",
                    "Port": 48061,
                    "Protocol": "http"
                "Metadata": {
                    "Host": "localhost",
                    "Port": 48081,
                    "Protocol": "http"
            "Databases": {
                "Primary": {
                    "Host": "localhost",
                    "Name": "coredata",
                    "Password": "",
                    "Port": 27017,
                    "Timeout": 5000,
                    "Type": "mongodb",
                    "Username": ""
            "Logging": {
                "EnableRemote": false,
                "File": "./logs/edgex-core-data.log"
            "MessageQueue": {
                "Host": "*",
                "Port": 5563,
                "Protocol": "tcp",
                "Type": "zero"
            "Registry": {
                "Host": "localhost",
                "Port": 8500,
                "Type": "consul"
            "Service": {
                "BootTimeout": 30000,
                "CheckInterval": "10s",
                "ClientMonitor": 15000,
                "Host": "localhost",
                "Port": 48080,
                "Protocol": "http",
                "MaxResultCount": 50000,
                "StartupMsg": "This is the Core Data Microservice",
                "Timeout": 5000
            "Writable": {
                "DeviceUpdateLastConnected": false,
                "LogLevel": "INFO",
                "MetaDataCheck": false,
                "PersistData": true,
                "ServiceUpdateLastConnected": false,
                "ValidateCheck": false

Example request: /api/v1/operation

Example (POST) body accompanying the "start" request:


Corresponding response, in JSON format, on success: "Done. Started the requested services."

Corresponding response, in JSON format, on failure: "HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error"

Example request: /api/v1/operation

Example (POST) body accompanying the "stop" request:


Corresponding response, in JSON format, on success: "Done. Stopped the requested service."

Corresponding response, in JSON format, on failure: "HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error"

Example request: /api/v1/operation

Example (POST) body accompanying the "restart" request:


Corresponding response, in JSON format, on success: "Done. Restarted the requested services."

Corresponding response, in JSON format, on failure: "HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error"

Example request: /api/v1/health/device-simple,edgex-core-data,support-notifications

Corresponding response, in JSON format:

    "device-simple": "device-simple service is not registered. Might not have started... ",
    "edgex-core-data": true,
    "support-notifications": true

Configuration Properties

Please refer to the general Configuration documentation for configuration properties common to all services.

Property Default Value Description
Writable properties can be set and will dynamically take effect without service restart
ResendLimit 2 Number of attempts to perform a system management operation before raising an error
Property Default Value Description
general system management configuration properties
ExecutorPath '../sys-mgmt-executor/sys-mgmt-executor' path to the executor to use for system management requests other than configuration
MetricsMechanism 'direct-service' either direct-service or executor to advise the SMA where to go for service metrics information
Property Default Value Description
these keys represent the system management service configuration settings
FormatSpecifier '%(\d+\$)?([-#+ 0(\<]*)?(\d+)?(\.\d+)?([tT])?([a-zA-Z%])' metrics data output format specifier

API Reference

System Management API Reference