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App Functions SDK for Python - Target Type

The target type is the object type of the incoming data that is sent to the first function in the function pipeline. By default, this is an EdgeX Event since typical usage is receiving Events from the EdgeX MessageBus.

There are scenarios where the incoming data is not an EdgeX Event. One example scenario is two application services are chained via the EdgeX MessageBus. The output of the first service is inference data from analyzing the original Eventdata, and published back to the EdgeX MessageBus. The second service needs to be able to let the SDK know the target type of the input data it is expecting.

For usages where the incoming data is not events, the TargetType of the expected incoming data can be set when the ApplicationService instance is created using the NewAppServiceWithTargetType() factory function.

Example - Set and use custom Target Type

from typing import Any, Tuple
from app_functions_sdk_py.factory import new_app_service
from app_functions_sdk_py.interfaces import AppFunctionContext

class Person:
    def __init__(self):
        self.FirstName = ""
        self.LastName = ""

service, result = new_app_service(self.service_key, Person())  

TargetType must be set to an instance of your target type such as Person(). The first function in your function pipeline will be passed an instance of your target type. In the example above, the first function in the pipeline would start something like:

def my_person_function(ctx: AppFunctionContext, data: Any) -> Tuple[bool, Any]:

    ctx.logger().debug("my_person_function executing")

    if data is None:
        return False, ValueError("no data received to my_person_function")

    if not isinstance(data, Person):
        return False, ValueError("data is not of type Person")

    ctx.logger().info(f"Person data received: {vars(data)}")

    # ... do something with the data

    return True, data

The SDK supports un-marshaling JSON encoded data into an instance of the target type. If your incoming data is not JSON encoded, you then need to set the TargetType to bytes().

If the target type is set to bytes() the incoming data will not be un-marshaled. The content type, if set, will be set on the interfaces.AppFunctionContext and can be access via the input_content_type() API. Your first function will be responsible for decoding the data or not.