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Device Service SDK - Protocol Driver API

The Protocol Driver API is an interface that must be implemented by all device services. This interface provides entry points for the Device SDK to call into the custom device service driver code. Implementation of this interface is the heart of all devices services as the Device SDK takes care of the rest of what it means to be a Device Service.

ProtocolDriver Interface

type ProtocolDriver interface {
    Initialize(sdk DeviceServiceSDK) error
    Start() error
    Stop(force bool) error
    Discover() error
    AddDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, adminState models.AdminState) error
    UpdateDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, adminState models.AdminState) error
    RemoveDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties) error
    ValidateDevice(device models.Device) error
    HandleReadCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, reqs []sdkModels.CommandRequest) ([]*sdkModels.CommandValue, error)
    HandleWriteCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, reqs []sdkModels.CommandRequest, params []*sdkModels.CommandValue) error


The interfaces in this section deal with the driver implemented by the device service


Initialize(sdk DeviceServiceSDK) error

This interface performs protocol-specific initialization for the device service. The sdk parameter gives access to Device Service SDK API for performing initialization tasks. This is where custom configuration can be loaded and watcher setup. See Custom Configuration section for more details.

An example implementation can be found in the Device SDK's example Simple Driver


Start() error

This interface runs Device Service startup tasks after the SDK and driver have been completely initialized. This allows Device Service to safely use all DeviceServiceSDK interface features in this function call.


Stop(force bool) error

This interface instructs the protocol-specific code to shut down gracefully, or if the force parameter is 'true', immediately. The driver is responsible for closing any in-use channels, including the channel used to send async readings (if supported).


The interfaces in this section deal with devices that the devices service manages


Discover() error

This interface triggers protocol specific device discovery, asynchronously writes the results to the channel which is return by the DeviceServiceSDK.DiscoveredDeviceChannel() API. The resulting devices may be added to the device service based on a set of acceptance criteria (i.e. Provision Watchers). See Device Discovery section for more details.

If the device service does not implement protocol specific device discovery, it should return an error since Device Discovery should not be enabled in the service's configuration. See Device tab in Configuration section for more details.

An example implementation can be found in the Device SDK's example Simple Driver


ValidateDevice(device models.Device) error

This interface triggers device's protocol properties validation. An error is returned if validation failed which blocks the incoming device from being added into EdgeX.

An example implementation can be found in the Device SDK's example Simple Driver


AddDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, adminState models.AdminState) error

This interface is a called when a new device had been added for the device service to manage. This is where the device service may perform protocol specific actions to initialize communication with the device instance.


UpdateDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, adminState models.AdminState) error

This interface is called when a device already managed by the device service has been updates. This may require reestablishing communication with the device instance due to the changes.


RemoveDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties) error

This interface is called when a device managed by the device service has been removed from EdgeX. This may require the device service to take action to shut down communication with the device instance.


The interfaces in this section deal with commands received by the device service. See Device Commands for more details about commands.


HandleReadCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, reqs []sdkModels.CommandRequest) ([]*sdkModels.CommandValue, error)

This interface processes the collection of read requests passed inreqs for the specified device deviceName. It returns a collection of CommandValues which contain the device reading details it collected for each read request. These CommandValues are transformed in to Event/Readings and published to the EdgeX MessageBus by the Device SDK.

An example implementation can be found in the Device SDK's example Simple Driver


HandleWriteCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, reqs []sdkModels.CommandRequest, params []*sdkModels.CommandValue) error

This interface processes the collection of write requests passed inreqs for the specified device deviceName. It writes the data found in params to the device's resources specified in reqs.

An example implementation can be found in the Device SDK's example Simple Driver

ExtendedProtocolDriver Interface

This interface builds upon the existing ProtocolDriver interface to provide enhanced features and capabilities without disrupting or breaking existing implementations.

type ExtendedProtocolDriver interface {
    ProfileScan(req requests.ProfileScanRequest) (model.DeviceProfile, error)
    StopDeviceDiscovery(options map[string]any)
    StopProfileScan(deviceName string, options map[string]any)


The interfaces in this section deal with devices that the devices service manages


ProfileScan(req requests.ProfileScanRequest) (model.DeviceProfile, error)

This interface triggers protocol specific device to discover device profile. The resulting device profile will be added to the core-metadata and associated with the device.

An example implementation can be found in the Device SDK's example Simple Driver


StopDeviceDiscovery(options map[string]any)

This interface is called when there is a desire to stop the ongoing device discovery process. It accepts a map[string]any as options, which can be used to provide additional parameters for stopping the process.

An example implementation can be found in the Device SDK's example Simple Driver


StopProfileScan(deviceName string, options map[string]any)

This interface is called when there is a desire to stop the ongoing device profile scan process for a specific device. It accepts a map[string]any as options, which can be used to provide additional parameters for stopping the process.

An example implementation can be found in the Device SDK's example Simple Driver