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EdgeX Microservice Authentication (end-to-end security)


  • Bryon Nevis (Intel)
  • Clint Dovholuk (NetFoundry - OpenZiti)

Change Log

Referenced Use Case(s)


The AS-IS Architecture figure below depicts the current state of microservice communication security as of EdgeX 3.0, when security is enabled:

AS-IS Architecture

As shown in the diagram, EdgeX 3.0 components are secured as follows:

  • Vault (EdgeX's secret store) is protected by an API key.

  • Consul (EdgeX's service registry and configuration provider) is also protected by an API key (issued by way of the Vault Consul secrets engine).

  • Redis (EdgeX's database) is protected by username/password.

  • All other EdgeX microservices are protected by a JWT token, issued and validated by Vault, that EdgeX microservices already trust.

It is up to EdgeX adopters to secure network communication between nodes.

At the present time, HashiCorp has announced that the next version of their open source products will be switching to a non-OSI-approved Business Source License. To more easily accommodate possible future changes, the proposed design will refers to the functionality offered by some of these components instead of the proper name of the component.

Proposed Design

This ADR proposes an implementation of the Microservice Authentication UCR that uses an end-to-end authentication mechanism based on zero-trust networking.

In this authentication model, EdgeX microservices connect directly to the zero-trust network overlay and communicate with other EdgeX microservices in a manner that is fully encrypted and governed by a centrally managed network policy. In this model, an EdgeX microservice API never "listens" on a host-accessible network port. Instead, EdgeX microservices make outgoing connections to an OpenZiti router. Compared to token-based authentication, a zero-trust network secures network traffic by default, and makes to possible to have a fully-distributed EdgeX implementation that spans the edge to the cloud, where multiple EdgeX deployments can be managed from anywhere. In the token-based authentication ADR, developers had to decide which routes were authenticated and which were not: in the end-to-end encryption design, the entire REST API of each microservice is secured in its entirety.

This ADR prescribes two methods of onboarding to the OpenZiti fabric:

  1. A local EdgeX microservice, already having a claims-based identity (JWT) from an identity provider, supplies the JWT to the OpenZiti Router to establish a secure session and data plane connection to the zero-trust network.

  2. A remote EdgeX microservice or remote administrator, having cached an OpenZiti identity (certificate and private key) through some sideband mechanism, connects directly to the OpenZiti router and becomes a member of the zero-trust network.

Under this ADR, EdgeX microservices will directly integrate with the OpenZiti SDK. Integration with the OpenZiti SDK enables EdgeX microservices to natively communicate on the OpenZiti zero-trust network. However, to be fully functional, and adopter must also run an OpenZiti controller, one or more OpenZiti router components, and zero or more OpenZiti tunnelers to support legacy applications. Examples of a legacy applications include curl clients and Postman running in a users' browsers.

In a zero-trust architecture, an API gateway is no longer required for remote access to EdgeX microservice API's. If an API gateway is still desired, it is still possible to run the EdgeX 3.0 API gateway in conjunction with an OpenZiti tunneler to onboard API gateway traffic onto the zero-trust network on the backend.

The new TO-BE architecture is diagrammed in the following figure:

TO-BE Architecture

This diagram conveys a lot of information in little space. A little exposition on what this diagram is intending to show:

The yellow boxes, showing the OpenZiti Controller, OpenZiti Router, and OpenZiti Tunneler are the new OpenZiti components. Two of these components, the controller and the router, are in a dashed box, denoting that these components have open ports on the network underlay. The controller and the router could be Internet-accessible, on a local docker network, or on the host network. To permit off-host access to the zero-trust network, either the OpenZiti router must be exposed externally on the host, or there must be a connection to a peer router that is itself accessible off-host. "Zitified" clients can simply connect to an OpenZiti edge router and join the zero-trust network. Non-ziti-aware components such as browsers or command-line clients must run on a host with an OpenZiti tunneler that works similar to an SSH port-forwarder to forward connections onto the zero-trust network. There is some security risk in doing this, as the OpenZiti Tunneler can't tell the difference between a non-zitified client and malware running on the host.

The green boxes, showing the EdgeX Identity Provider, Redis, and The EdgeX Configuration Store, are existing third-party non-zitified components that are already used by EdgeX. These components have independent authentication mechanisms. They are safe to use for kernel-mediated same-host access, but not safe to access over the network without additional network security. The OpenZiti Router also has an outbound tunneler built-in, allowing traffic to traverse the zero-trust network encrypted, and exit unencrypted to communicate with services listening on the docker network (zero-trust network access, ZTNA), or listening on the host network (zero-trust host access, ZTHA). These connections are indicated by the blue-violet arrows.

The EdgeX Identity Provider is a special case: it also has a thick dashed border, indicating that it also must have an exposed listening port. This is because a JWT-based identity claim is required to join the zero-trust network in the normal case, and thus the identity provider must be available as a prerequisite to the zero-trust network being available.

As security of the identity provider (IdP) is paramount, secure network communication with the IdP must be possible, even before the zero-trust network is brought up. A non-exhaustive list of options, at the option of the adopter, includes: * The IdP is itself TLS-enabled * The IdP resides behind a TLS-enabled API gateway * The IdP resides behind some kind of secure tunnel (e.g stunnel) * The IdP is accessible via an encrypted VPN

Connections to exposed ports on the network underlay are denoted with red arrows: they always terminate at the boxes with thick dashed borders. The IdP is special in that it also has an alias on the zero-trust network to service internal requests, such as obtaining fresh tokens for authentication purposes.

The gray boxes in the "zero-trust network" box are the Zitified EdgeX services. One might assume that connections between these services are peer-to-peer, but this is not the case. Instead, EdgeX services connect to the OpenZiti edge router which perform packet routing functions. The edge router applies network policies to the traffic, controlling who can speak to whom, and payloads to and from the router are encrypted.

Feature overlaps with EdgeX JWT-based authentication

OpenZiti focuses on being a transport-level solution, controlling access to remote services. It does not provide application-level security. The OpenZiti tunneler does not have the ability to verify the original source of traffic, be it a browser, a curl client, or other. This tunneler provides a compatibility path for clients that do not support the application-embedded approach. When a tunneler is in play, use of JWT authentication could be used to authenticate the true client.

A case where this is likely to apply is if an adopter elects to keep an API gateway as part of the EdgeX deployment. NGINX would either have to be configured to use an OpenZiti NGINX module to place backend traffic onto the zero-trust network, or it would be necessary to point the backend traffic at an OpenZiti tunneler to forward requests to backend microservices. In general, backend microservices would be better served knowing the true client identified by an authentication token, rather than knowing that the traffic originated from an API gateway or OpenZiti tunneler. As EdgeX today does not make fine-grained authorization decisions. As such, so long as NGINX validates the JWT, validating a JWT in the microservice itself is defense-in-depth.

High-level list of changes

A proof of concept implementation required the following high-level list of changes:

  • Add configuration options to enable use of OpenZiti. In the the Service blocks and Clients.* blocks, add a generic string map named SecurityOptions. OpenZiti integration will be triggered via Mode = zerotrust.

  • go-mod-bootstrap will break out the ListenAndServe call into two separate steps: (1) create an OpenZiti listener and (2) serve on it when Mode = zerotrust. Outgoing connections made in go-mod-bootstrap will also use the OpenZiti integration.

  • go-mod-bootstrap will have the common authentication handler changed to optionally accept the OpenZiti remote identity as authentication in lieu of JWT authentication. JWT authentication in addition to OpenZiti authentication will still be possible if needed for application-level authentication.

  • go-mod-bootstrap will open up a second unauthenticated HTTP port on a separate port on the network underlay to serve the health check endpoint /api/vX/ping. This is required for compatibility with Consul-based health checks as well as Kubernetes-based health checks. This can be optionally disabled.

  • go-mod-core-contracts will modify makeRequest() to use OpenZiti's transport to make connections to EdgeX microservices via OpenZiti.

  • edgex-ui-go, for connections proxied via its backend, will have similar adaptions as go-mod-core-contracts when Mode = zerotrust.

  • edgex-compose will have added documentation that refers users to the EdgeX OpenZiti how-to documentation.

  • edgex-compose/compose-builder will need new options to deploy an OpenZTI-enabled EdgeX stack. This should include some kind of TLS-encrypted means of accessing the identity provider from remote nodes, as described above.

  • edgex-docs will have an added chapter on how to configure EdgeX for zero trust, with configuration examples. The chapter will include information on how to keep the API gateway, if desired.

Some updates are also needed for third-party components:

  • Add OpenZiti support to eKuiper so that the EdgeX rules engine and eKuiper can communicate natively with security and not expose listening ports. This would affect both the HTTP listener and outgoing connections.

OpenZiti Bootstrapping

OpenZiti must be ready to accept EdgeX clients in advance of starting EdgeX.

  • Adopters are expected to supply their own OpenZiti infrastructure that will exist before starting EdgeX, for example, by using CloudZiti or self-costing an OpenZiti controller and OpenZiti router.

  • The adopter must create and enroll one identity per microservice (core-data, core-metadata, eKuiper, et cetera).

  • The adopter must provision one-time enrollment tokens (OTT) for each microservice or configure an OpenZiti external JWT signer. External JWT signers allow EdgeX microservices to authenticate to trusted identity provider and receive a claims-based identity JWT that in turn that would authenticate the microservice to OpenZiti.

  • The adopter must create an OpenZiti service per microservice.

  • The adopter must create bind service policies to allow microservice identities to bind their corresponding service.

  • The adopter must create dial service policies to allow microservice identities to make outbound connections to other services.

Example automation scripts will be provided in the user documentation.


Authentication based on end-to-end encryption and zero-trust networking is much more robust than token-based authentication schemes, and is secure over the network by default. A service that is "zitified" using the OpenZiti SDK is better protected against local attackers as well, due to lack of an exposed REST API on a host-accessible TCP/IP socket.

Zero-trust networking requires a paradigm shift and use of unfamiliar tools such as the OpenZiti tunneler to bridge traffic that is not zero-trust aware onto the network and is significant departure from the reverse-proxy methodology.


Disk and Memory Requirements for OpenZiti

The OpenZiti router uses ~30 MB of RAM and the OpenZiti controller uses ~70 MB of RAM. The OpenZiti quickstart contains both the router and the controller, leading to a rough estimate of 400MB additional container size. (These numbers come from docker stats and docker image.)

Note that the OpenZiti use case normally assumes that the router and controller are infrastructure services hosted elsewhere and used by more than one application.

Alternative: Consul Connect

Consul Connect is a service mesh product that integrates natively with Consul and Vault, both of which are used by EdgeX. This feature has been renamed as "Service Mesh Native App Integration" and is no longer actively developed by Consul. Moreover, only the golang SDK supports Consul Connect.

Alternative: Kong Kuma Service Mesh

An earlier prototype was done with Kong Kuma 1.0 to see if it would work on Docker and bare-metal. The results of the experiment was that it doubled the number of processes that needed to be run to support EdgeX and was rejected due to the complexity of the solution. It is unclear if Kuma 2.0 still supports bare-meta deployments.

Alternative: mTLS Everywhere

One straightforward approach would be to use mutual-auth TLS (mTLS) everywhere and eliminate the reverse proxy entirely. There are several problems with this approach:

  • Each EdgeX service would be exposed directly on the host, resulting in a more attractive attack target.

  • mTLS would break Consul-based service health checks.

  • Use of the Vault PKI secrets engine to allow issuance of client and server certificates would add a lot of code to EdgeX.

  • Certificate and key rotation, as recommended by NIST SP 800-57 part 1, would have to be solved, including live rotation of certificates for long-running processes.

Alternative: SPIFFE-based mTLS

This approach is a variation on mTLS Everywhere where SPIFFE-aware client libraries that are specifically designed to support live rotation of TLS credentials are compiled into applications. This is an effective mitigation for NIST SP 800-57 recommended cryptoperiods.

Most third-party services without SPIFFE integration assume that their TLS server certificates are long-lived. One way of to accommodate these services would be to issue a long-lived X.509 SVID to these services. Alternatively, certificates to these services could be delivered out-of-band. However, in both scenarios, certificate and/or key rotation would require a disruptive service restart.

Tools such as ghosttunnel could be used to proxy services that are not TLS-aware, but in a bare-metal environment the proxy could be easily bypassed.

While a SPIFFE-based mTLS solution solves some of the problems with an mTLS Everywhere approach, a significant amount of effort would need to be spent dealing with corner cases and third-party service integration.
