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Device MQTT - Multi-Level Topics

In multi-level topics, the data in the published payload is the reading data. The names of the device and source are embedded into the topic. There are two ways multi-level topics are supported - async data and commands.

Async Data

Asynchronous data is published to the topic incoming/data/{device-name}/{source-name} where:

  • device-name is the name of the device sending the reading(s)
  • source-name is the command or resource name for the published data

  • In the case where the source-name matches a command name, the published data must be a JSON object with the resource names specified in the command as field names.

    Example async published command data

    Topic = incoming/data/MQTT-test-device/allValues

      "randfloat32" : 3.32,
      "randfloat64" : 5.54,
      "message"     : "Hi World"

  • In the case where the source-name only matches a resource name, the published data can either be just the reading value for the resource or a JSON object with the resource name as the field name.

    Example async published resource data

    Topic = incoming/data/MQTT-test-device/randfloat32

    "randfloat32" : 5.67


Commands sent to the device will be sent on the topic command/{device-name}/{command-name}/{method}/{uuid} where:

  • device-name is the name of the device that will receive the command
  • command-name is the name of the command being sent to the device
  • method is the type of command, either get or set
  • uuid is the unique identifier for the command request

Set Command

If the command method is a set, then the published payload contains a JSON object with the resource names and the values to set those resources. In response, the device is expected to publish an empty response on the topic command/response/{uuid} where the uuid matches the unique identifier sent in the command request topic.

Example - Set Command

Publish Topic = command/MQTT-test-device/randfloats/set/123 Publish Payload

  "randfloat32" : 3.32,
  "randfloat64" : 5.54
Response Topic = command/response/123 Response Payload = {}

Get Command

If the command method is a get, then the published payload is empty and the device is expected to publish a response to the topic `command/response/{uuid} where the uuid is the unique identifier sent in the command request topic. The published payload contains a JSON object with the resource names for the specified command and their values.

Example - Set Command

Publish Topic = command/MQTT-test-device/randfloats/set/123 Publish Payload: {} Response Topic = command/response/123 Response Payload

  "randfloat32" : 3.32,
  "randfloat64" : 5.54,
  "message"     : "Hi World"