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Application Service API

The ApplicationService API is the central API for creating an EdgeX Application Service.

The new ApplicationService API is as follows:

type AppFunction = func(appCxt AppFunctionContext, data interface{}) (bool, interface{})

type FunctionPipeline struct {
    Id         string
    Transforms []AppFunction
    Topic      string
    Hash       string

type ApplicationService interface {
    ApplicationSettings() map[string]string
    GetAppSetting(setting string) (string, error)
    GetAppSettingStrings(setting string) ([]string, error)
    LoadCustomConfig(config UpdatableConfig, sectionName string) error
    ListenForCustomConfigChanges(configToWatch interface{}, sectionName string, changedCallback func(interface{})) error
    SetDefaultFunctionsPipeline(transforms ...AppFunction) error
    AddFunctionsPipelineForTopics(id string, topics []string, transforms ...AppFunction) error
    LoadConfigurableFunctionPipelines() (map[string]FunctionPipeline, error)
    Run() error
    SecretProvider() interfaces.SecretProvider
    LoggingClient() logger.LoggingClient
    EventClient() interfaces.EventClient
    ReadingClient() interfaces.ReadingClient
    CommandClient() interfaces.CommandClient
    NotificationClient() interfaces.NotificationClient
    SubscriptionClient() interfaces.SubscriptionClient
    DeviceServiceClient() interfaces.DeviceServiceClient
    DeviceProfileClient() interfaces.DeviceProfileClient
    DeviceClient() interfaces.DeviceClient
    RegistryClient() registry.Client
    MetricsManager() bootstrapInterfaces.MetricsManager
    AddBackgroundPublisher(capacity int) (BackgroundPublisher, error)
    AddBackgroundPublisherWithTopic(capacity int, topic string) (BackgroundPublisher, error)
    BuildContext(correlationId string, contentType string) AppFunctionContext
    AddRoute(route string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request), methods ...string) error
    AddCustomRoute(route string, authentication Authentication, handler echo.HandlerFunc, methods ...string) error
    AppContext() context.Context
    RequestTimeout() time.Duration
    RegisterCustomTriggerFactory(name string, factory func(TriggerConfig) (Trigger, error)) error
    RegisterCustomStoreFactory(name string, factory func(cfg DatabaseInfo, cred config.Credentials) (StoreClient, error)) error
    Publish(data any) error
    PublishWithTopic(topic string, data any) error

Factory Functions

The App Functions SDK provides two factory functions for creating an ApplicationService


NewAppService(serviceKey string) (interfaces.ApplicationService, bool)

This factory function returns an interfaces.ApplicationService using the default Target Type of dtos.Event and initializes the service. The second bool return parameter will be true if successfully initialized, otherwise it will be false when error(s) occurred during initialization. All error(s) are logged so the caller just needs to call os.Exit(-1) if false is returned.

Example - NewAppService

const serviceKey = "app-myservice"

service, ok := pkg.NewAppService(serviceKey)
if !ok {


NewAppServiceWithTargetType(serviceKey string, targetType interface{}) (interfaces.ApplicationService, bool)

This factory function returns an interfaces.ApplicationService using the passed in Target Type and initializes the service. The second bool return parameter will be true if successfully initialized, otherwise it will be false when error(s) occurred during initialization. All error(s) are logged so the caller just needs to call os.Exit(-1) if false is returned.

See the Target Type advanced topic for more details.

Example - NewAppServiceWithTargetType

const serviceKey = "app-myservice"

service, ok := pkg.NewAppServiceWithTargetType(serviceKey, &[]byte{})
if !ok {

Custom Configuration APIs

The following ApplicationService APIs allow your service to access their custom configuration from the configuration file and/or Configuration Provider. See the Custom Configuration advanced topic for more details.


ApplicationSettings() map[string]string

This API returns the complete key/value map of custom settings

Example - ApplicationSettings

  Greeting: "Hello World"
appSettings := service.ApplicationSettings()
greeting := appSettings["Greeting"]


GetAppSetting(setting string) (string, error)

This API is a convenience API that returns a single setting from the [ApplicationSetting] section of the service configuration. An error is returned if the specified setting is not found.

Example - GetAppSetting

 Greeting: "Hello World"
greeting, err := service.GetAppSetting["Greeting"]
if err != nil {


GetAppSettingStrings(setting string) ([]string, error)

This API is a convenience API that parses the string value for the specified custom application setting as a comma separated list. It returns the list of strings. An error is returned if the specified setting is not found.

Example - GetAppSettingStrings

 Greetings: "Hello World, Welcome World, Hi World"
greetings, err := service.GetAppSettingStrings["Greetings"]
if err != nil {
for _, greeting := range greetings {


LoadCustomConfig(config UpdatableConfig, sectionName string) error

This API loads the service's Structured Custom Configuration from local file or the Configuration Provider (if enabled). The Configuration Provider will also be seeded with the custom configuration if service is using the Configuration Provider. The UpdateFromRaw API (UpdatableConfig interface) will be called on the custom configuration when the configuration is loaded from the Configuration Provider. The custom config must implement the UpdatableConfig interface.

Example - LoadCustomConfig

AppCustom: # Can be any name you choose
  ResourceNames: "Boolean, Int32, Uint32, Float32, Binary"
  SomeValue: 123
    Host: "localhost"
    Port: 9080
    Protocol: "http"
type ServiceConfig struct {
    AppCustom AppCustomConfig

type AppCustomConfig struct {
    ResourceNames string
    SomeValue     int
    SomeService   HostInfo

func (c *ServiceConfig) UpdateFromRaw(rawConfig interface{}) bool {
    configuration, ok := rawConfig.(*ServiceConfig)
    if !ok {
        return false //errors.New("unable to cast raw config to type 'ServiceConfig'")

    *c = *configuration

    return true


serviceConfig := &ServiceConfig{}
err := service.LoadCustomConfig(serviceConfig, "AppCustom")
if err != nil {

See the App Service Template for a complete example of using Structured Custom Configuration.


ListenForCustomConfigChanges(configToWatch interface{}, sectionName string, changedCallback func(interface{})) error

This API starts a listener on the Configuration Provider for changes to the specified section of the custom configuration. When changes are received from the Configuration Provider the provided changedCallback function is called with the updated section of configuration. The service must then implement the code to copy the updates into it's copy of the configuration and respond to the updates if needed.

Example - ListenForCustomConfigChanges

AppCustom: # Can be any name you choose
  ResourceNames: "Boolean, Int32, Uint32, Float32, Binary"
  SomeValue: 123
    Host: "localhost"
    Port: 9080
    Protocol: "http"

err := service.ListenForCustomConfigChanges(&serviceConfig.AppCustom, "AppCustom", ProcessConfigUpdates)
if err != nil {
    logger.Errorf("unable to watch custom writable configuration: %s", err.Error())


func (app *myApp) ProcessConfigUpdates(rawWritableConfig interface{}) {
    updated, ok := rawWritableConfig.(*config.AppCustomConfig)
    if !ok {

    previous := app.serviceConfig.AppCustom
    app.serviceConfig.AppCustom = *updated

    if reflect.DeepEqual(previous, updated) {
        logger.Info("No changes detected")

    if previous.SomeValue != updated.SomeValue {
        logger.Infof("AppCustom.SomeValue changed to: %d", updated.SomeValue)
    if previous.ResourceNames != updated.ResourceNames {
        logger.Infof("AppCustom.ResourceNames changed to: %s", updated.ResourceNames)
    if !reflect.DeepEqual(previous.SomeService, updated.SomeService) {
        logger.Infof("AppCustom.SomeService changed to: %v", updated.SomeService)

See the App Service Template for a complete example of using Structured Custom Configuration.

Function Pipeline APIs

The following ApplicationService APIs allow your service to set the Functions Pipeline and start and stop the Functions Pipeline.


type AppFunction = func(appCxt AppFunctionContext, data interface{}) (bool, interface{})

This type defines the signature that all pipeline functions must implement.


This type defines the struct that contains the metadata for a functions pipeline instance.

type FunctionPipeline struct {
    Id         string
    Transforms []AppFunction
    Topic      string
    Hash       string


SetDefaultFunctionsPipeline(transforms ...AppFunction) error

This API sets the default functions pipeline with the specified list of Application Functions. This pipeline is executed for all messages received from the configured trigger. Note that the functions are executed in the order provided in the list. An error is returned if the list is empty.

Example - SetDefaultFunctionsPipeline

sample := functions.NewSample()
err = service.SetDefaultFunctionsPipeline(
if err != nil {"SetDefaultFunctionsPipeline returned error: %s", err.Error())
    return -1


AddFunctionsPipelineForTopics(id string, topics []string, transforms ...AppFunction) error

This API adds a functions pipeline with the specified unique ID and list of functions (transforms) to be executed when the received topic matches one of the specified pipeline topics. See the Pipeline Per Topic section for more details.

Example - AddFunctionsPipelineForTopics

sample := functions.NewSample()
err = service.AddFunctionsPipelineForTopic("Floats-Pipeline", 
if err != nil {
    return -1


LoadConfigurableFunctionPipelines() (map[string]FunctionPipeline, error)

This API loads the function pipelines (default and per topic) from configuration. An error is returned if the configuration is not valid, i.e. missing required function parameters, invalid function name, etc.


This API is only useful if pipeline is always defined in configuration as is with App Service Configurable.

Example - LoadConfigurableFunctionPipelines

configuredPipelines, err := service.LoadConfigurableFunctionPipelines()
if err != nil {


for _, pipeline := range configuredPipelines {
    switch pipeline.Id {
    case interfaces.DefaultPipelineId:
        if err = service.SetDefaultFunctionsPipeline(pipeline.Transforms...); err != nil {
        if err = service.AddFunctionsPipelineForTopic(pipeline.Id, pipeline.Topic, pipeline.Transforms...); err != nil {



This API removes all existing functions pipelines previously added via SetDefaultFunctionsPipeline, AddFunctionsPipelineForTopics or LoadConfigurableFunctionPipelines


Run() error

This API starts the configured trigger to allow the Functions Pipeline to execute when the trigger receives data. The internal webserver is also started. This is a long running API which does not return until the service is stopped or Stop() is called. An error is returned if the trigger can not be create or initialized or if the internal webserver encounters an error.

Example - Run

if err := service.Run(); err != nil {
   logger.Errorf("Run returned error: %s", err.Error())

// Do any required cleanup here, if needed




This API stops the configured trigger so that the functions pipeline no longer executes. The internal webserver continues to accept requests. See Stopping the Service advanced topic for more details

Example - Stop


Secrets APIs

The following ApplicationService APIs allow your service retrieve and store secrets from/to the service's SecretStore. See the Secrets advanced topic for more details about using secrets.


SecretProvider() interfaces.SecretProvider

This API returns reference to the SecretProvider instance. See Secret Provider API section for more details.

Client APIs

The following ApplicationService APIs allow your service access the various EdgeX clients and their APIs.


LoggingClient() logger.LoggingClient

This API returns the LoggingClient instance which the service uses to log messages. See the LoggingClient interface for more details.

Example - LoggingClient

service.LoggingClient().Info("Hello World")
service.LoggingClient().Errorf("Some error occurred: %w", err)


RegistryClient() registry.Client

This API returns the Registry Client. Note the registry must been enabled, otherwise this will return nil. See the Registry Client interface for more details. Useful if service needs to add additional health checks or needs to get endpoint of another registered service.


EventClient() interfaces.EventClient

This API returns the Event Client. Note if Core Data is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil. See the Event Client interface for more details. Useful for adding, deleting or querying Events.


ReadingClient() interfaces.ReadingClient

This API returns the Reading Client. Note if Core Data is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil. See the Reading Client interface for more details. Useful for querying Reading.


CommandClient() interfaces.CommandClient

This API returns the Command Client. Note if Core Command is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil. See the Command Client interface for more details. Useful for issuing commands to devices.


NotificationClient() interfaces.NotificationClient

This API returns the Notification Client. Note if Support Notifications is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil. See the Notification Client interface for more details. Useful for sending notifications.


SubscriptionClient() interfaces.SubscriptionClient

This API returns the Subscription client. Note if Support Notifications is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil. See the Subscription Client interface for more details. Useful for creating notification subscriptions.


DeviceServiceClient() interfaces.DeviceServiceClient

This API returns the Device Service Client. Note if Core Metadata is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil. See the Device Service Client interface for more details. Useful for querying information about a Device Service.


DeviceProfileClient() interfaces.DeviceProfileClient

This API returns the Device Profile Client. Note if Core Metadata is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil. See the Device Profile Client interface for more details. Useful for querying information about a Device Profile such as Device Resource details.


DeviceClient() interfaces.DeviceClient

This API returns the Device Client. Note if Core Metadata is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil. See the Device Client interface for more details. Useful for querying list of devices for a specific Device Service or Device Profile.

Background Publisher APIs

The following ApplicationService APIs allow Application Services to have background publishers. See the Background Publishing advanced topic for more details and example.

AddBackgroundPublisher DEPRECATED

AddBackgroundPublisher(capacity int) (BackgroundPublisher, error)

This API adds and returns a BackgroundPublisher which is used to publish asynchronously to the Edgex MessageBus.

AddBackgroundPublisherWithTopic DEPRECATED

AddBackgroundPublisherWithTopic(capacity int, topic string) (BackgroundPublisher, error)

This API adds and returns a BackgroundPublisher which is used to publish asynchronously to the Edgex MessageBus on the specified topic.


BuildContext(correlationId string, contentType string) AppFunctionContext

This API allows external callers that may need a context (eg background publishers) to easily create one.

Other APIs

AddRoute (Deprecated)

AddRoute(route string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request), methods ...string) error

This API is deprecated in favor of AddCustomRoute() which has an explicit parameter to indicate whether the route should require authentication.


AddCustomRoute(route string, authentication Authentication, handler echo.HandlerFunc, methods ...string) error

This API adds a custom REST route to the application service's internal webserver. If the route is marked authenticated, it will require an EdgeX JWT when security is enabled. A reference to the ApplicationService is added to the context that is passed to the handler, which can be retrieved using the AppService key. See Custom REST Endpoints advanced topic for more details and example.


AppContext() context.Context

This API returns the application service context used to detect cancelled context when the service is terminating. Used by custom app service to appropriately exit any long running functions.


RequestTimeout() time.Duration

This API returns the parsed value for the Service.RequestTimeout configuration setting. The setting is parsed on start-up so that any error is caught then.

Example - RequestTimeout

  RequestTimeout: "60s"
timeout := service.RequestTimeout()


RegisterCustomTriggerFactory(name string, factory func(TriggerConfig) (Trigger, error)) error

This API registers a trigger factory for a custom trigger to be used. See the Custom Triggers section for more details and example.


RegisterCustomStoreFactory(name string, factory func(cfg DatabaseInfo, cred config.Credentials) (StoreClient, error)) error

This API registers a factory to construct a custom store client for the store & forward loop.


MetricsManager() bootstrapInterfaces.MetricsManager

This API returns the Metrics Manager used to register counter, gauge, gaugeFloat64 or timer metric types from

myCounterMetricName := "MyCounter"
myCounter := gometrics.NewCounter()
myTags := map[string]string{"Tag1":"Value1"}
app.service.MetricsManager().Register(myCounterMetricName, myCounter, myTags)   


Publish(data any) error

This API pushes data to the EdgeX MessageBus using configured topic and returns an error if the EdgeX MessageBus is disabled in configuration


PublishWithTopic(topic string, data any) error

This API pushes data to the EdgeX MessageBus using a given topic and returns an error if the EdgeX MessageBus is disabled in configuration