EdgeX - Levski Release
In this example, we use a script to simulate a custom-defined MQTT device, instead of a real device. This provides a straight-forward way to test the device-mqtt features using an MQTT-broker.
Multi-Level Topics move metadata (i.e. device name, command name,... etc) from the payload into the MQTT topics. Notice the sections marked with Using Multi-level Topic: for relevant input/output throughout this example.
Prepare the Custom Device Configuration
In this section, we create folders that contain files required for deployment of a customized device configuration to work with the existing device service:
- custom-config
|- devices
|- my.custom.device.config.yaml
|- profiles
|- my.custom.device.profile.yml
Device Configuration
Use this configuration file to define devices and schedule jobs. device-mqtt generates a relative instance on start-up.
Create the device configuration file, named my.custom.device.config.yaml
, as shown below:
# Pre-define Devices
name: "my-custom-device"
profileName: "my-custom-device-profile"
description: "MQTT device is created for test purpose"
- "MQTT"
- "test"
CommandTopic: "command/my-custom-device"
interval: "30s"
onChange: false
sourceName: "message"
is used to publish the GET or SET command request
Device Profile
The DeviceProfile defines the device's values and operation method, which can be Read or Write.
Create a device profile, named my.custom.device.profile.yml
, with the
following content:
name: "my-custom-device-profile"
manufacturer: "iot"
model: "MQTT-DEVICE"
description: "Test device profile"
- "mqtt"
- "test"
name: randnum
isHidden: true
description: "device random number"
valueType: "Float32"
readWrite: "R"
name: ping
isHidden: true
description: "device awake"
valueType: "String"
readWrite: "R"
name: message
isHidden: false
description: "device message"
valueType: "String"
readWrite: "RW"
name: json
isHidden: false
description: "JSON message"
valueType: "Object"
readWrite: "RW"
mediaType: "application/json"
name: values
readWrite: "R"
isHidden: false
- { deviceResource: "randnum" }
- { deviceResource: "ping" }
- { deviceResource: "message" }
Prepare docker-compose file
- Clone edgex-compose
!!! note Use main branch until levski is released.
$ git clone $ cd edgex-compose $ git checkout main
- Generate the docker-compose.yml file (notice this includes mqtt-broker)
$ cd compose-builder $ make gen ds-mqtt mqtt-broker no-secty ui
- Check the generated file
$ ls | grep 'docker-compose.yml' docker-compose.yml
Mount the custom-config
Create a docker-compose file docker-compose.override.yml
to extend the compose file which generated by the compose-builder. In this file, we add volume path and environment variables as shown below:
# docker-compose.override.yml
version: '3.7'
DEVICE_DEVICESDIR: /custom-config/devices
DEVICE_PROFILESDIR: /custom-config/profiles
- /path/to/custom-config:/custom-config
Replace the /path/to/custom-config
in the example with the correct path
Start EdgeX Foundry on Docker
Deploy EdgeX using the following commands:
$ cd edgex-compose/compose-builder
$ docker compose pull
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d
Using a MQTT Device Simulator
Expected Behaviors
Using the detailed script below as a simulator, there are three behaviors:
- Publish random number data every 15 seconds.
The simulator publishes the data to the MQTT broker with topic incoming/data/my-custom-device/values
and the message is similar to the following:
"randnum" : 4161.3549,
"ping" : "pong",
"message" : "Hello World"
Receive the reading request, then return the response.
The simulator receives the request from the MQTT broker, the topic is
and message returned is similar to the following:{"randnum":"42.0"}
The simulator returns the response to the MQTT broker, the topic is
and the message is similar to the following:{"randnum":"4.20e+01"}
Receive the set request, then change the device value.
The simulator receives the request from the MQTT broker, the topic is
and the message is similar to the following:{"message":"test message..."}
The simulator changes the device value and returns the response to the MQTT broker, the topic is
and the message is similar to the following:{"message":"test message..."}
Creating and Running a MQTT Device Simulator
To implement the simulated custom-defined MQTT device, create a javascript, named mock-device.js
, with the following content:
function getRandomFloat(min, max) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
const deviceName = "my-custom-device";
let message = "test-message";
let json = {"name" : "My JSON"};
// DataSender sends async value to MQTT broker every 15 seconds
schedule('*/15 * * * * *', ()=>{
var data = {};
data.randnum = getRandomFloat(25,29).toFixed(1); = "pong"
data.message = "Hello World"
publish( 'incoming/data/my-custom-device/values', JSON.stringify(data));
// CommandHandler receives commands and sends response to MQTT broker
// 1. Receive the reading request, then return the response
// 2. Receive the set request, then change the device value
subscribe( "command/my-custom-device/#" , (topic, val) => {
const words = topic.split('/');
var cmd = words[2];
var method = words[3];
var uuid = words[4];
var response = {};
var data = val;
if (method == "set") {
switch(cmd) {
case "message":
message = data[cmd];
case "json":
json = data[cmd];
switch(cmd) {
case "ping": = "pong";
case "message":
response.message = message;
case "randnum":
response.randnum = 12.123;
case "json":
response.json = json;
var sendTopic ="command/response/"+ uuid;
publish( sendTopic, JSON.stringify(response));
$ mv mock-device.js /path/to/mqtt-scripts
$ docker run --rm --name=mqtt-scripts \
-v /path/to/mqtt-scripts:/scripts --network host \
dersimn/mqtt-scripts --dir /scripts
Replace the /path/to/mqtt-scripts
in the example mv command with the correct path
Then the mqtt-scripts show logs as below:
2022-08-12 09:52:42.086 <info> mqtt-scripts 1.2.2 starting
2022-08-12 09:52:42.227 <info> mqtt connected mqtt://
2022-08-12 09:52:42.733 <info> /scripts/mock-device.js loading
Execute Commands
Now we're ready to run some commands.
Find Executable Commands
Use the following query to find executable commands:
$ curl http://localhost:59882/api/v3/device/all | json_pp
"deviceCoreCommands" : [
"profileName" : "my-custom-device-profile",
"coreCommands" : [
"name" : "values",
"get" : true,
"path" : "/api/v3/device/name/my-custom-device/values",
"url" : "http://edgex-core-command:59882",
"parameters" : [
"resourceName" : "randnum",
"valueType" : "Float32"
"resourceName" : "ping",
"valueType" : "String"
"valueType" : "String",
"resourceName" : "message"
"url" : "http://edgex-core-command:59882",
"parameters" : [
"resourceName" : "message",
"valueType" : "String"
"name" : "message",
"get" : true,
"path" : "/api/v3/device/name/my-custom-device/message",
"set" : true
"name": "json",
"get": true,
"set": true,
"path": "/api/v3/device/name/MQTT-test-device/json",
"url" : "http://edgex-core-command:59882",
"parameters": [
"resourceName": "json",
"valueType": "Object"
"deviceName" : "my-custom-device"
"apiVersion" : "v2",
"statusCode" : 200
Execute SET Command
Execute a SET command according to the url and parameterNames, replacing [host] with the server IP when running the SET command.
$ curl http://localhost:59882/api/v3/device/name/my-custom-device/message \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT \
-d '{"message":"Hello!"}'
Execute GET Command
Execute a GET command as follows:
$ curl http://localhost:59882/api/v3/device/name/my-custom-device/message | json_pp
Schedule Job
The schedule job is defined in the autoEvents
section of the device definition file:
Interval: "30s"
OnChange: false
SourceName: "message"
After the service starts, query core-data's reading API. The results show that the service auto-executes the command every 30 secs, as shown below:
$ curl http://localhost:59880/api/v3/reading/resourceName/message | json_pp
"statusCode" : 200,
"readings" : [
"value" : "test-message",
"id" : "e91b8ca6-c5c4-4509-bb61-bd4b09fe835c",
"resourceName" : "message",
"origin" : 1624418361324331392,
"profileName" : "my-custom-device-profile",
"deviceName" : "my-custom-device",
"valueType" : "String"
"resourceName" : "message",
"value" : "test-message",
"id" : "1da58cb7-2bf4-47f0-bbb8-9519797149a2",
"deviceName" : "my-custom-device",
"valueType" : "String",
"profileName" : "my-custom-device-profile",
"origin" : 1624418330822988843
"apiVersion" : "v2"
Async Device Reading
The device-mqtt
subscribes to a DataTopic
, which waits for the real device to send value to MQTT broker, then device-mqtt
parses the value and forward to the northbound.
The data format contains the following values:
- name = device name
- cmd = deviceResource name
- method = get or set
- cmd = device reading
The following results show that the mock device sent the reading every 15 secs:
$ curl http://localhost:59880/api/v3/reading/resourceName/randnum | json_pp
"readings" : [
"origin" : 1624418475007110946,
"valueType" : "Float32",
"deviceName" : "my-custom-device",
"id" : "9b3d337e-8a8a-4a6c-8018-b4908b57abb8",
"resourceName" : "randnum",
"profileName" : "my-custom-device-profile",
"value" : "2.630000e+01"
"deviceName" : "my-custom-device",
"valueType" : "Float32",
"id" : "06918cbb-ada0-4752-8877-0ef8488620f6",
"origin" : 1624418460007833720,
"profileName" : "my-custom-device-profile",
"value" : "2.570000e+01",
"resourceName" : "randnum",
"statusCode" : 200,
"apiVersion" : "v2"
MQTT Device Service Configuration
MQTT Device Service has the following configurations to implement the MQTT protocol.
Configuration | Default Value | Description |
MQTTBrokerInfo.Schema | tcp | The URL schema |
MQTTBrokerInfo.Host | localhost | The URL host |
MQTTBrokerInfo.Port | 1883 | The URL port |
MQTTBrokerInfo.Qos | 0 | Quality of Service 0 (At most once), 1 (At least once) or 2 (Exactly once) |
MQTTBrokerInfo.KeepAlive | 3600 | Seconds between client ping when no active data flowing to avoid client being disconnected. Must be greater then 2 |
MQTTBrokerInfo.ClientId | device-mqtt | ClientId to connect to the broker with |
MQTTBrokerInfo.CredentialsRetryTime | 120 | The retry times to get the credential |
MQTTBrokerInfo.CredentialsRetryWait | 1 | The wait time(seconds) when retry to get the credential |
MQTTBrokerInfo.ConnEstablishingRetry | 10 | The retry times to establish the MQTT connection |
MQTTBrokerInfo.ConnRetryWaitTime | 5 | The wait time(seconds) when retry to establish the MQTT connection |
MQTTBrokerInfo.AuthMode | none | Indicates what to use when connecting to the broker. Must be one of "none" , "usernamepassword" |
MQTTBrokerInfo.CredentialsPath | credentials | Name of the path in secret provider to retrieve your secrets. Must be non-blank. |
MQTTBrokerInfo.IncomingTopic | DataTopic (incoming/data/#) | IncomingTopic is used to receive the async value |
MQTTBrokerInfo.ResponseTopic | ResponseTopic (command/response/#) | ResponseTopic is used to receive the command response from the device |
MQTTBrokerInfo.UseTopicLevels | false (true) | Boolean setting to use multi-level topics |
MQTTBrokerInfo.Writable.ResponseFetchInterval | 500 | ResponseFetchInterval specifies the retry interval(milliseconds) to fetch the command response from the MQTT broker |
Using Multi-level Topic: Remember to change the defaults in parentheses in the table above.
Overriding with Environment Variables
The user can override any of the above configurations using environment:
variables to meet their requirement, for example:
# docker-compose.override.yml
version: '3.7'