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Seeding Service Secrets

EdgeX 2.1

New for EdgeX 2.1 is the ability to seed service specific secrets during the service's start-up.

All EdgeX services now have the capability to specify a JSON file that contains the service's secrets which are seeded into the service's SecretStore during service start-up. This allows the secrets to be present in the service's SecretStore when the service needs to use them.


The service must already have a SecretStore configured. This is done by default for the Core/Support services. See Configure the service's Secret Store section for details for add-on App and Device services

Secrets File

The new SecretsFile setting on the SecretStore configuration allows the service to specify the fully-qualified path to the location of the service's secrets file. Normally this setting is left blank when a service has no secrets to be seeded.

Example - Setting SecretsFile in TOML

Type = "vault"
SecretsFile = "/tmp/my-service/secrets.json"
DisableScrubSecretsFile = false

This setting can also be overridden with the SECRETSTORE_SECRETSFILE environment variable. When EdgeX is deployed using Docker/docker-compose the setting can be overridden in the docker-compose file and the file can be volume mounted into the service's container.

Example - Setting SecretsFile via environment override

  SECRETSTORE_SECRETSFILE: "/tmp/my-service/secrets.json"
- /tmp/my-service/secrets.json:/tmp/my-service/secrets.json

During service start-up, after SecretStore initialization, the service's secrets JSON file is read, validated, and the secrets stored into the service's SecretStore. The file is then scrubbed of the secret data, i.e rewritten without the sensitive secret data that was successfully stored. See Disable Scrubbing section below for detail on disabling the scrubbing of the secret data

Example - Initial service secrets JSON

    "secrets": [
            "path": "credentials001",
            "imported": false,
            "secretData": [
                    "key": "username",
                    "value": "my-user-1"
                    "key": "password",
                    "value": "password-001"
            "path": "credentials002",
            "imported": false,
            "secretData": [
                    "key": "username",
                    "value": "my-user-2"
                    "key": "password",
                    "value": "password-002"

Example - Re-written service secrets JSON after seeding complete

    "secrets": [
            "path": "credentials001",
            "imported": true,
            "secretData": []
            "path": "credentials002",
            "imported": true,
            "secretData": []

The secrets marked with imported=true are ignored the next time the service starts up since they are already in the the service's SecretStore. If the Secret Store service's persistence is cleared, the original version of service's secrets file will need to be provided for the next time the service starts up.


The secrets file must be have write permissions for the file to be scrubbed of the secret data. If not the service with fail to start-up with an error re-writing the file.

Disable Scrubbing

Scrubbing of the secret data can be disabled by setting SecretStore.DisableScrubSecretsFile to true. This can be done in the configuration.toml file or by using the SECRETSTORE_DISABLESCRUBSECRETSFILE environment variable override.

Example - Set DisableScrubSecretsFile in TOML

Type = "vault"
SecretsFile = "/tmp/my-service/secrets.json"
DisableScrubSecretsFile = true

Example - Set DisableScrubSecretsFile via environment variable
