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V2 Migration Guide

EdgeX 2.0

For the EdgeX 2.0 (Ireland) release there are many backward breaking changes. These changes require custom Application Services and custom profiles (app-service-configurable) to be migrated. This section outlines the necessary steps for this migration.

Custom Application Services


The migration of any Application Service's configuration starts with migrating configuration common to all EdgeX services. See the V2 Migration of Common Configuration section for details. The remainder of this section focuses on configuration specific to Application Services.


The SecretStoreExclusive section has been removed in EdgeX 2.0. With EdgeX 2.0 all SecretStores are exclusive, so the existing SecretStore section is all that is required. Services requiring known secrets such as redisdb must inform the Security SecretStore Setup service (via environment variables) that the application service requires the secret added to its SecretStore. See the Configuring Add-on Services section for more details.


The client used for the version validation check has changed to being from Core Metadata, rather than Core Data. This is because Core Data is now optional when persistence isn't required since all Device Services publish directly to the EdgeX MessageBus. The configuration for Core Metadata is the only Clients entry required, all other (see below) are optional based on use case needs.


The port numbers for all EdgeX services have changed which must be reflected in the Clients configuration. Please see the Default Service Ports section for complete list of the new port assignments.

Example - Core Metadata client configuration

    Protocol = "http"
    Host = "localhost"
    Port = 59881

Example - All available clients configured with new port numbers

    # Used for version check on start-up
    # Also used for DeviceService, DeviceProfile and Device clients
    Protocol = "http"
    Host = "localhost"
    Port = 59881

    # Used for Event client which is used by PushToCoreData function
    Protocol = "http"
    Host = "localhost"
    Port = 59880

    # Used for Command client
    Protocol = "http"
    Host = "localhost"
    Port = 59882

    # Used for Notification and Subscription clients
    Protocol = "http"
    Host = "localhost"
    Port = 59860


The Trigger section (previously named Binding) has been restructured with EdgexMessageBus (previously named MessageBus) and ExternalMqtt (previously named MqttBroker ) moved under it. The SubscribeTopics (previously named SubscribeTopic) has been moved under the EdgexMessageBus.SubscribeHost and ExternalMqtt sections. The PublishTopic has been moved under the EdgexMessageBus.PublishHost and ExternalMqtt sections.

EdgeX MessageBus

If your Application Service is using the EdgeX MessageBus trigger, you can then simply copy the complete Trigger configuration from the example below and tweak it as needed.

Example - EdgeX MessageBus trigger configuration

  Type = "redis"
    Host = "localhost"
    Port = 6379
    Protocol = "redis"
    Host = "localhost"
    Port = 6379
    Protocol = "redis"
    AuthMode = "usernamepassword"  # required for redis messagebus (secure or insecure).
    SecretName = "redisdb"

From the above example you can see the improved structure and the following changes:

  • Default EdgexMessageBus type has changed from ZeroMQ to Redis.
  • Type value for Redis has changed from redistreams to redis. This is because the implementation no longer uses Redis Streams. It now uses Redis Pub/Sub.
  • SubscribeTopics is now plural since it now accepts a comma separated list of topics. The default value uses a multi-level topic with a wild card. This is because Core Data and Device Services now publish to a multi-level topics which haveedgex/events as their base. This allows Application Services to filter by topic rather then receive the data and then filter it out via a pipeline filter function. See the Filter By Topics section for more details.
  • The EdgeX MessageBus using Redis is a Secure MessageBus, thus the addition of the AuthMode and SecretName settings which allow the credentials to be pulled from the service's SecretStore. See the Secure MessageBus secure for more details.
External MQTT

If your Application service is using the External MQTT trigger do the following:

  1. Move your existing MqttBroker configuration under the Trigger section (renaming it to ExternalMqtt)
  2. Move your SubscribeTopic (renaming it to SubscribeTopics) under the ExternalMqtt section.
  3. Move your PublishTopic under the ExternalMqtt section.

Example - External MQTT trigger configuration

  Url = "tcp://"
  SubscribeTopics = "edgex-trigger"
  PublishTopic = "edgex-trigger-response"
  ClientId = "app-my-service"
  ConnectTimeout = "30s"
  AutoReconnect = false
  KeepAlive = 60
  QoS = 0
  Retain = false
  SkipCertVerify = false
  SecretPath = ""
  AuthMode = "none"

The HTTP trigger configuration has not changed beyond the renaming of Binding to Trigger.

Example - HTTP trigger configuration




You first need to update the go.mod file to specify go 1.16 and the V2 versions of the App Functions SDK and any EdgeX go-mods directly used by your service. Note the extra /v2 for the modules.

Example go.mod for V2

module <your service>

go 1.16

require ( v2.0.0 v2.0.0

Once that is complete then the import statements for these dependencies must be updated to include the /v2 in the path.

Example import statements for V2

import (


New APIs

Next changes you will encounter in your code are that the AppFunctionsSDK and Context structs have been abstracted into the new ApplicationService and AppFunctionContext APIs. See the Application Service API and App Function Context API sections for complete details on these new APIs. The following sections cover migrating your code for these new APIs.


The following changes to your main() function will be necessary.

Create and Initialize

Your main() will change to use a factory function to create and initialize the Application Service instance, rather than create instance of AppFunctionsSDK and call Initialize()

Example - Create Application Service instance

    const serviceKey = "app-myservice"

    service, ok := pkg.NewAppService(serviceKey)
    if !ok {

Example - Create Application Service instance with Target Type specified

    const serviceKey = "app-myservice"

    service, ok := pkg.NewAppServiceWithTargetType(serviceKey, &[]byte{})
    if !ok {

Since the factory function logs all errors, all you need to do is exit if it returns false.

Logging Client

The Logging client is now accessible from the service.LoggingClient() API.

New extended Logging Client API

The Logging Client API now has formatted versions of all the logging APIs, which are Infof, Debugf, Tracef, Warnfand Errorf. If your code uses fmt.Sprintf to format your log messages then it can now be simplified by using these new APIs.

Application Settings

The access functions for retrieving the service's custom Application Settings (ApplicationSettings, GetAppSettingStrings, and GetAppSetting ) have not changed. An improved capability to have structured custom configuration has been added. See the Structure Custom Configuration section for more details.

Functions Pipeline

Setting the Functions Pipeline has not changed, but the name of some built in functions have changed and new ones have been added. See the Built-In Pipeline Functions section for more details.

Example - Setting Functions Pipeline

if err := service.SetFunctionsPipeline(
    transforms.NewHTTPSender(exportUrl, "application/xml", false).HTTPPost,
); err != nil {
    lc.Errorf("SetFunctionsPipeline returned error: %s", err.Error())

The MakeItRun API has not changed.

Example - Call to MakeItRun

err = service.MakeItRun()
if err != nil {
    lc.Errorf("MakeItRun returned error: %s", err.Error())

Custom Pipeline Functions

Pipeline Function signature

The major change to custom Pipeline Functions for EdgeX 2.0 is the new function signature which drives all the other changes.

Example - New Pipeline Function signature

type AppFunction = func(ctx AppFunctionContext, data interface{}) (bool, interface{})

This function signature passes in an instance of the new AppFunctionContext API for the context and now has only a single data instance for the function to operate on.

Return Values

The definitions for the Pipeline Function return values have not changed.


The data passed in is set either to a data object for the function to process or nil. Check the length of the incoming data is no longer needed. The default TargetType for pipeline functions has changed from models.Event to dtos.Event. The data type should be validated to ensure the data received is the type the function expects to process.

Example - Validating data before processing

    if data == nil {
        return false, errors.New("No Data Received")

    event, ok := data.(dtos.Event)
    if !ok {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("data type received is not an Event")


The models.Event still exists, but is for internal use only for those services that persist the Events to a database.

Logging Client

The Logging client is now accessible from the ctx.LoggingClient() API.


The available clients have changed with a few additions and ValueDescriptorClient has been removed. See the Context Clients section for complete list of available clients.


The SetResponseData and ResponseData APIs replace the previous Complete function and direct access to the OutputData field.


The SetResponseContentType and ResponseContentType APIs replace the previous direct access to the ResponseContentType field.


The SetRetryData API replaces the SetRetryData function and direct access to the RetryData field.


The MarkAsPushed capability has been removed


The PushToCore API replaces the PushToCoreData function. The API signature has changed. See the PushToCore section for more details.

New Capabilities

Some new capabilities have been added to the new AppFunctionContext API. See the App Function Context API section for complete details.

App Service Configurable Profiles

Custom profiles used with App Service Configurable are configuration files. These follow the same migration above for custom Application Service configuration, except for the Configurable Functions Pipeline items. The following are the changes for the Configurable Functions Pipeline:

  1. FilterByValueDescriptor changed to FilterByResourceName. See the FilterByResourceName section for details.
  2. TransformToXML and TransformToJSON have been collapsed into Transform with additional parameters. See the Transform section for more details.
  3. CompressWithGZIP and CompressWithZLIB have been collapsed into Compress with additional parameters. See the Compress section for more details.
  4. EncryptWithAES has been changed to Encrypt with additional parameters. See the Encrypt section for more details.
  5. BatchByCount, BatchByTime and BatchByTimeAndCount have been collapsed into Batch with additional parameters. See the Batch section for more details.
  6. SetOutputData has been renamed to SetResponseData. See the SetResponseData section for more details.
  7. PushToCore parameters have changed. See the PushToCore section for more details.
  8. HTTPPost, HTTPPostJSON, HTTPPostXML, HTTPPut, HTTPPutJSON and HTTPPutXML have been collapsed into HTTPExport with additional parameters. See the HTTPExport section for more details.
  9. MQTTSecretSend has been renamed to MQTTExport with additional parameters. See the MQTTExport section for more details.
  10. MarkAsPushed has been removed. The mark as push capability has been removed from Core Data, which this depended on.
  11. MQTTSend has been removed. This has been replaced by MQTTExport. See the MQTTExport section for more details.
  12. FilterByProfileName and FilterBySourceName have been added. See the FilterByProfileName and FilterBySourceName sections for more details.
  13. Ability to define multiple instances of the same Configurable Pipeline Function has been added. See the Multiple Instances of Function section for more details.