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Application Service Configuration

Similar to other EdgeX services, configuration is first determined by the configuration.toml file in the /res folder. Once loaded any environment overrides are applied. If -cp is passed to the application on startup, the SDK will leverage the specific configuration provider (i.e Consul) to push the configuration into the provider and monitor Writeable configuration from there. You will find the configuration under the edgex/appservices/2.0/ key in the provider (i.e Consul). On re-restart the service will pull the configuration from the provider and apply any environment overrides.

This section describes the configuration elements that are unique to Application Services

Please first refer to the general Configuration documentation for configuration properties common across all EdgeX services.


*indicates the configuration value can be changed on the fly if using a configuration provider (like Consul). **indicates the configuration value can be changed but the service must be restarted.


The tabs below provide additional entries in the Writable section which are applicable to Application Services.

The section configures the Store and Forward capability. Please refer to Store and Forward documentation for more details.

Configuration Default Value
Enabled false* Indicates whether the Store and Forward capability enabled or disabled
RetryInterval "5m"* Indicates the duration of time to wait before retries, aka Forward
MaxRetryCount 10* Indicates whether maximum number of retries of failed data. The failed data is removed after the maximum retries has been exceeded. A value of 0 indicates endless retries.

The section configures the Configurable Function Pipeline which is used only by App Service Configurable. Please refer to App Service Configurable - Getting Started section for more details

This section defines Insecure Secrets that are used when running in non-secure mode, i.e. when Vault isn't available. This is a dynamic map of configuration, so can empty if no secrets are used or can have as many or few user define secrets. It simulates a Secret Store in non-secure mode. Below are a few examples that are need if using the indicated capabilities.

Configuration Default Value Description
DB --- This section defines a block of insecure secrets for database credentials when Redis is used for the MessageBus and/or when Store and Forward is enabled and running is non-secure mode. This section is not required if Store and Forward is not enabled and not using Redis for the MessageBus .
path redisdb* Indicates the location in the simulated Secret Store where the DB secret resides.
DB Secrets --- This section is the collection of DB secret data
username blank* Indicates the value for the username when connecting to the database. When running in non-secure mode it is blank.
password blank* Indicates the value for the password when connecting to the database. When running in non-secure mode it is blank.
http --- This section defines a block of insecure secrets for HTTP Export, i.e HTTPPost function
path http* Indicates the location in the simulated Secret Store where the HTTP secret resides.
http Secrets --- This section is the collection of HTTP secret data. See Http Export documentation for more details on use of secret data.
headervalue undefined* This indicates the name of the secret value to use as the value in the HTTP header.
mqtt --- This section defines a block of insecure secrets for MQTT export, i.e. MQTTSecretSend function.
path mqtt* Indicates the location in the simulated Secret Store where the MQTT secret reside.
mqtt Secrets --- This section is the collection of MQTT secret data. See Mqtt Export documentation for more details on use of secret data.
username blank* Indicates the value for the username when connecting to the MQTT broker using usernamepassword authentication mode. Must be configured to the value the MQTT broker is expecting.
password blank* Indicates the value for the password when connecting to the MQTT broker using usernamepassword authentication mode. Must be configured to the value the MQTT broker is expecting.
cacert blank* Indicates the value (contents) for the CA Certificate when connecting to the MQTT broker using cacert authentication mode. Must be configured to the value the MQTT broker is expecting.
clientcert blank* Indicates the value (contents) for the Client Certificate when connecting to the MQTT broker using clientcert authentication mode. Must be configured to the value the MQTT broker is expecting.
clientkey blank* Indicates the value (contents) for the Client Key when connecting to the MQTT broker using clientcert authentication mode. Must be configured to the value the MQTT broker is expecting.
Default Value
See Writable.Telemetry at Common Configuration for the Telemetry configuration common to all services
Metrics Service metrics that the application service collects. Boolean value indicates if reporting of the metric is enabled. Custom metrics are also included here for custom application services that define custom metrics
MessagesReceived = false Enable/disable reporting of the built-in MessagesReceived metric
InvalidMessagesReceived = false (NEW) Enable/disable reporting of the built-in InvalidMessagesReceived metric
HttpExportSize = false (NEW) Enable/disable reporting of the built-in HttpExportSize metric
MqttExportSize = false (NEW) Enable/disable reporting of the built-in MqttExportSize metric
PipelineMessagesProcessed = false Enable/disable reporting of the built-in PipelineMessagesProcessed metric
PipelineProcessingErrors = false (NEW) Enable/disable reporting of the built-in PipelineProcessingErrors metric
PipelineMessageProcessingTime = false Enable/disable reporting of the built-in PipelineMessageProcessingTime metric
<CommonMetric> = false Enable/disable reporting of common service metric. See Common Service Metrics for more details
<CustomMetric> = false Enable/disable reporting of custom application service's custom metric. See Custom Application Service Metics for more detail
Tags <empty> List of arbitrary service level tags to included with every metric that is reported. i.e. Gateway="my-iot-gateway"

Edgex 2.2

New for EdgeX 2.2 All application services have built-in service metrics and custom application services can define, collect, and report their own custome service metrics. See Built-in Application Service Metrics and Custom Application Service section for more detials

Not Writable

The tabs below provide additional configuration which are applicable to Application Services that require the service to be restarted after value(s) are changed.

EdgeX 2.0

New for EdgeX 2.0. These setting previously were in the Service configuration section specific to Application Services. Now the Service configuration is the same for all EdgeX services. See the general Configuration documentation for more details on the common Service configuration.

This section contains the configuration for the internal Webserver. Only need if configuring the Webserver for HTTPS

Configuration Default Value Description
Protocol http** Indicates the protocol for the webserver to use
SecretName blank** Indicates the name of the secret in the Secret Store where the HTTPS secret data resides
HTTPSCertName blank** Indicates the key name in the HTTPS secret data that contains the certificate data to use for HTTPS
HTTPSKeyName blank** Indicates the key name in the HTTPS secret data that contains the key data to use for HTTPS

This section contains the connection information. It is required when using redis for the MessageBus (which is the default) and/or when the Store and Forward capability is enabled. Note that it has a slightly different format than the database section used in the core services configuration.

Configuration Default Value Description
Type redisdb** Indicates the type of database used. redisdb is the only valid type.
Host localhost** Indicates the hostname for the database
Port 6379** Indicates the port number for the database
Timeout "30s"** Indicates the connection timeout for the database

This section defines the connect information for the EdgeX Clients and is the same as that used by all EdgeX services, just which clients are needed differs. Please refer to the Note about Clients section for more details.

This section defines the Trigger for incoming data. See the Triggers documentation for more details on the inner working of triggers.

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the Binding section has been renamed to Trigger .

Configuration Default Value Description
Type edgex-messagebus** Indicates the Trigger binding type. valid values are edgex-messagebus, external-mqtt, http, or <custom>

This section defines the message bus connect information. Only used for edgex-messagebus binding type

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the MessageBus section has been renamed to EdgexMessageBus and moved under the Trigger section. The SubscribeTopic setting has changed to SubscribeTopics and moved under the SubscribeHost section of EdgexMessageBus . The PublishTopic has been moved under the PublishHost section of EdgexMessageBus.

Configuration Default Value Description
Type redis** Indicates the type of MessageBus being used. Valid type are redis, mqtt, orzero
SubscribeHost ... This section defines the connection information for subscribing/publishing to the MessageBus
Host localhost** Indicates the hostname for subscribing to the MessageBus
Port 6379** Indicates the port number for subscribing to the MessageBus
Protocol redis** Indicates the protocol number for subscribing to the MessageBus
SubscribeTopics edgex/events/#** MessageBus topic(s) to subscribe to. This is a comma separated list of topics. Supports filtering by subscribe topics. See EdgeXMessageBus Trigger for more details.
PublishHost ... This section defines the connection information for publishing to the MessageBus
Host localhost** Indicates the hostname for publishing to the Message Bus
Port 6379** Indicates the port number for publishing to the Message Bus
Protocol redis** Indicates the protocol number for publishing to the Message Bus
PublishTopic blank** Indicates the topic in which to publish the function pipeline response data, if any. Supports dynamic topic places holders. See EdgeXMessageBus Trigger for more details.
Optional ... This section is used for optional configuration specific to the MessageBus type used. Please refer to go-mod-messaging for more details

This section defines the external MQTT Broker connect information. Only used for external-mqtt trigger binding type

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the MqttBroker section has been renamed to ExternalMqtt and moved under the Trigger section. The ExternalMqtt section now has it's own SubscribeTopics and PublishTopic settings.


external-mqtt is not the default Trigger type, so there are no default values for ExternalMqtt settings beyond those that the Go compiler gives to the empty struct. Some of those default values are not valid and must be specified, i.e. Authmode

Configuration Default Value Description
Url blank** Fully qualified URL to connect to the MQTT broker, i.e. tcp://localhost:1883
SubscribeTopics blank** MQTT topic(s) to subscribe to. This is a comma separated list of topics
PublishTopic blank** MQTT topic to publish the function pipeline response data, if any. Supports dynamic topic places holders. See ExternalMqtt Trigger for more details.
ClientId blank** ClientId to connect to the broker with
ConnectTimeout blank** Time duration indicating how long to wait before timing out broker connection, i.e "30s"
AutoReconnect false** Indicates whether or not to retry connection if disconnected
KeepAlive 0** Seconds between client ping when no active data flowing to avoid client being disconnected. Must be greater then 2
QOS 0** Quality of Service 0 (At most once), 1 (At least once) or 2 (Exactly once)
Retain false** Retain setting for MQTT Connection
SkipCertVerify false** Indicates if the certificate verification should be skipped
SecretPath blank** Name of the path in secret provider to retrieve your secrets. Must be non-blank.
AuthMode blank** Indicates what to use when connecting to the broker. Must be one of "none", "cacert" , "usernamepassword", "clientcert".
If a CA Cert exists in the SecretPath then it will be used for all modes except "none".
RetryDuration 600 Indicates how long (in seconds) to wait timing out on the MQTT client creation
RetryInterval 5 Indicates the time (in seconds) that will be waited between attempts to create MQTT client


Authmode=cacert is only needed when client authentication (e.g. usernamepassword) is not required, but a CA Cert is needed to validate the broker's SSL/TLS cert.

[ApplicationSettings] - Is used for custom application settings and is accessed via the ApplicationSettings() API. The ApplicationSettings API returns a map[string] string containing the contents on the ApplicationSetting section of the configuration.toml file.

ApplicationName = "My Application Service"

EdgeX 2.0

New for EdgeX 2.0

Custom Application Services can now define their own custom structured configuration section in the configuration.toml file. Any additional sections in the TOML are ignore by the SDK when it parses the file for the SDK defined sections. See the Custom Configuration section of the SDK documentation for more details.