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Common Environment Variables

There are two types of environment variables used by all EdgeX services. They are standard and overrides. The only difference is that the overrides apply to command-line options and service configuration settings where as standard do not have any corresponding command-line option or configuration setting.

Standard Environment Variables

This section describes the standard environment variables common to all EdgeX services. Some service may have additional standard environment variables which are documented in those service specific sections.


This environment variables indicates whether the service is expected to initialize the secure SecretStore which allows the service to access secrets from Vault. Defaults to true if not set or not set to false. When set to true the EdgeX security services must be running. If running EdgeX in non-secure mode you then want this explicitly set to false.

Example - Using docker-compose to disable secure SecretStore


EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 when running in secure mode Consul is secured, which requires all services to have this environment variable be true so they can request their Consul access token from Vault. See the Secure Consul section for more details.


This environment variable sets the total duration in seconds allowed for the services to complete the bootstrap start-up. Default is 60 seconds.

Example - Using docker-compose to set start-up duration to 120 seconds


EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the deprecated lower case version startup_duration has been removed


This environment variable sets the retry interval in seconds for the services retrying a failed action during the bootstrap start-up. Default is 1 second.

Example - Using docker-compose to set start-up interval to 3 seconds


EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the deprecated lower case version startup_interval has been removed

Environment Overrides

There are two types of environment overrides which are command-line and configuration.


Environment variable overrides have precedence over all command-line, local configuration and remote configuration. i.e. configuration setting changed in Consul will be overridden after the service loads the configuration from Consul if that setting has an environment override.

Command-line Overrides


This environment variable overrides the -c/--confdir command-line option.


All EdgeX service Docker images have this option set to /res.

Example - Using docker-compose to override the configuration folder name

  EDGEX_CONF_DIR: "/my-config"


This environment variable overrides the -f/--file command-line option.

Example - Using docker-compose to override the configuration file name used

  EDGEX_CONFIG_FILE: "my-config.toml"


This environment variable overrides the -cp/--configProvider command-line option.


All EdgeX service Docker images have this option set to -cp=consul.http://edgex-core-consul:8500.

Example - Using docker-compose to override with different port number

  EDGEX_CONFIGURATION_PROVIDER: "consul.http://edgex-consul:9500"


This environment variable overrides the -p/--profile command-line option. When non-empty, the value is used in the path to the configuration file. i.e. /res/my-profile/configuation.toml. This is useful when running multiple instances of a service such as App Service Configurable.

Example - Using docker-compose to override the profile to use

    image: edgexfoundry/docker-app-service-configurable:2.0.0
      EDGEX_PROFILE: "rules-engine"

This sets the profile so that the App Service Configurable uses the rules-engine configuration profile which resides at /res/rules-engine/configuration.toml

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the deprecated lower case version edgex_profile has been removed


This environment variable overrides the -r/--registry command-line option.


All EdgeX service Docker images have this option set to --registry.

Example - Using docker-compose to override use of the Registry


EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the deprecated lower case version edgex_registry has been removed

Configuration Overrides

Any configuration setting from a service's configuration.toml file can be overridden by environment variables. The environment variable names have the following format:


EdgeX 2.0

With EdgeX 2.0 the use of CamelCase environment variable names is no longer supported. Instead the variable names must be all uppercase as in the example below. Also the using of dash - in the TOML-NAME is converted to an underscore _ in the environment variable name.

Example - Environment Overrides of Configuration

``` toml   
TOML   : [Writable]    
         LogLevel = "INFO"    

TOML   : [Clients]
            Host = "localhost"
ENVVAR : CLIENTS_CORE_DATA_HOST=edgex-core-data    

Notable Configuration Overrides

This section describes environment variable overrides that have special utility, such as enabling a debug capability or facilitating code development.

KONG_SSL_CIPHER_SUITE (edgex-kong service)

This variable controls the TLS cipher suite and protocols supported by the EdgeX API Gateway as implemented by Kong. This variable, if unspecified, selects the "intermediate" cipher suite which supports TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3, and relatively modern TLS ciphers. The EdgeX framework by default overrides this value to "modern", which currently enables only TLSv1.3 and a fixed cipher suite. The "modern" cipher suite is known to be incompatible with older web browsers, but since the target use of the API gateway is to support API clients, not browsers, this behavior was deemed acceptable by the EdgeX Security Working Group on September 8, 2021.

TOKENFILEPROVIDER_DEFAULTTOKENTTL (security-secretstore-setup service)

This variable controls the TTL of the default secretstore tokens that are created for EdgeX microservices. This variable defaults to 1h (one hour) if unspecified. It is often useful when developing a new microservice to set this value to a higher value, such as 12h. This higher value will allow the secret store token to remain valid long enough for a developer to get a new microservice working and into a state where it can renew its own token. (All secret store tokens in EdgeX expire if not renewed periodically.)