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App Function Context API

The context parameter passed to each function/transform provides operations and data associated with each execution of the pipeline.

EdgeX 2.0

For EdgeX 2.0 the AppFunctionContext API replaces the direct access to the appcontext.Context struct.

Let's take a look at its API:

type AppFunctionContext interface {
    CorrelationID() string
    InputContentType() string
    SetResponseData(data []byte)
    ResponseData() []byte
    ResponseContentType() string
    SetRetryData(data []byte)
    GetSecret(path string, keys ...string) (map[string]string, error)
    SecretsLastUpdated() time.Time
    LoggingClient() logger.LoggingClient
    EventClient() interfaces.EventClient
    CommandClient() interfaces.CommandClient
    NotificationClient() interfaces.NotificationClient
    SubscriptionClient() interfaces.SubscriptionClient
    DeviceServiceClient() interfaces.DeviceServiceClient
    DeviceProfileClient() interfaces.DeviceProfileClient
    DeviceClient() interfaces.DeviceClient
    PushToCore(event dtos.Event) (common.BaseWithIdResponse, error)
    GetDeviceResource(profileName string, resourceName string) (dtos.DeviceResource, error)
    AddValue(key string, value string)
    RemoveValue(key string)
    GetValue(key string) (string, bool)
    GetAllValues() map[string]string
    ApplyValues(format string) (string, error)

Response Data


SetResponseData(data []byte)

This API sets the response data that will be returned to the trigger when pipeline execution is complete.



This API returns the data that will be returned to the trigger when pipeline execution is complete.



This API sets the content type that will be returned to the trigger when pipeline execution is complete.



This API returns the content type that will be returned to the trigger when pipeline execution is complete.



LoggingClient() logger.LoggingClient

Returns a LoggingClient to leverage logging libraries/service utilized throughout the EdgeX framework. The SDK has initialized everything so it can be used to log Trace, Debug, Warn, Info, and Error messages as appropriate.

Example - LoggingClient

ctx.LoggingClient().Info("Hello World")
c.LoggingClient().Errorf("Some error occurred: %w", err)


EventClient() interfaces.EventClient

Returns an EventClient to leverage Core Data's Event API. See interface definition for more details. This client is useful for querying events and is used by the PushToCore convenience API described below. Note if Core Data is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil.


CommandClient() interfaces.CommandClient

Returns a CommandClient to leverage Core Command's Command API. See interface definition for more details. Useful for sending commands to devices. Note if Core Command is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil.


NotificationClient() interfaces.NotificationClient

Returns a NotificationClient to leverage Support Notifications' Notifications API. See interface definition for more details. Useful for sending notifications. Note if Support Notifications is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil.


SubscriptionClient() interfaces.SubscriptionClient

Returns a SubscriptionClient to leverage Support Notifications' Subscription API. See interface definition for more details. Useful for creating notification subscriptions. Note if Support Notifications is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil.


DeviceServiceClient() interfaces.DeviceServiceClient

Returns a DeviceServiceClient to leverage Core Metadata's DeviceService API. See interface definition for more details. Useful for querying information about Device Services. Note if Core Metadata is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil.


DeviceProfileClient() interfaces.DeviceProfileClient

Returns a DeviceProfileClient to leverage Core Metadata's DeviceProfile API. See interface definition for more details. Useful for querying information about Device Profiles and is used by the GetDeviceResource helper function below. Note if Core Metadata is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil.


DeviceClient() interfaces.DeviceClient

Returns a DeviceClient to leverage Core Metadata's Device API. See interface definition for more details. Useful for querying information about Devices. Note if Core Metadata is not specified in the Clients configuration, this will return nil.

Note about Clients

Each of the clients above is only initialized if the Clients section of the configuration contains an entry for the service associated with the Client API. If it isn't in the configuration the client will be nil. Your code must check for nil to avoid panic in case it is missing from the configuration. Only add the clients to your configuration that your Application Service will actually be using. All application services need Core-Data for version compatibility check done on start-up. The following is an example Clients section of a configuration.toml with all supported clients specified:

Example - Client Configuration Section

  Protocol = 'http'
  Host = 'localhost'
  Port = 59880

  Protocol = 'http'
  Host = 'localhost'
  Port = 59881

  Protocol = 'http'
  Host = 'localhost'
  Port = 59882

  Protocol = 'http'
  Host = 'localhost'
  Port = 59860

Context Storage

The context API exposes a map-like interface that can be used to store custom data specific to a given pipeline execution. This data is persisted for retry if needed. Currently only strings are supported, and keys are treated as case-insensitive.

There following values are seeded into the Context Storage when an Event is received:

  • Profile Name (key to retrieve value is interfaces.PROFILENAME)
  • Device Name (key to retrieve value is interfaces.DEVICENAME)
  • Source Name (key to retrieve value is interfaces.SOURCENAME)
  • Received Topic (key to retrieve value is interfaces.RECEIVEDTOPIC)


Received Topic only available when the message was received from the Edgex MessageBus or External MQTT triggers.

Storage can be accessed using the following methods:


AddValue(key string, value string)

This API stores a value for access within a pipeline execution


RemoveValue(key string)

This API deletes a value stored in the context at the given key


GetValue(key string) (string, bool)

This API attempts to retrieve a value stored in the context at the given key


GetAllValues() map[string]string

This API returns a read-only copy of all data stored in the context


ApplyValues(format string) (string, error)

This API will replace placeholders of the form {context-key-name} with the value found in the context at context-key-name. Note that key matching is case insensitive. An error will be returned if any placeholders in the provided string do NOT have a corresponding entry in the context storage map.



GetSecret(path string, keys ...string)

This API is used to retrieve secrets from the secret store. path specifies the type or location of the secrets to retrieve. If specified, it is appended to the base path from the exclusive secret store configuration. keys specifies the list of secrets to be retrieved. If no keys are provided then all the keys associated with the specified path will be returned.



This API returns that timestamp for when the secrets in the SecretStore where last updated. Useful when a connection to external source needs to be redone when the credentials have been updated.




This API returns the ID used to track the EdgeX event through entire EdgeX framework.



This API returns the content type of the data that initiated the pipeline execution. Only useful when the TargetType for the pipeline is []byte, otherwise the data will be the type specified by TargetType.


GetDeviceResource(profileName string, resourceName string) (dtos.DeviceResource, error)

This API retrieves the DeviceResource for the given profile / resource name. Results are cached to minimize HTTP traffic to core-metadata.


PushToCore(event dtos.Event)

This API is used to push data to EdgeX Core Data so that it can be shared with other applications that are subscribed to the message bus that core-data publishes to. This function will return the new EdgeX Event with the ID populated, along with any error encountered. Note that CorrelationId will not be available.


If validation is turned on in CoreServices then your deviceName and readingName must exist in the CoreMetadata and be properly registered in EdgeX.


Be aware that without a filter in your pipeline, it is possible to create an infinite loop when the Message Bus trigger is used. Choose your device-name and reading name appropriately.


SetRetryData(data []byte)

This method can be used to store data for later retry. This is useful when creating a custom export function that needs to retry on failure. The payload data will be stored for later retry based on Store and Forward configuration. When the retry is triggered, the function pipeline will be re-executed starting with the function that called this API. That function will be passed the stored data, so it is important that all transformations occur in functions prior to the export function. The Context will also be restored to the state when the function called this API. See Store and Forward for more details.


Store and Forward be must enabled when calling this API, otherwise the data is ignored.