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Triggers determine how the app functions pipeline begins execution. The trigger is determined by the configuration.toml file located in the /res directory under a section called [Binding]. Check out the Configuration Section for more information about the toml file.

EdgeX Message Bus Trigger

An EdgeX Message Bus trigger will execute the pipeline every time data is received from the configured Edgex Message Bus SubscribeTopic. The EdgeX Message Bus is the central message bus internal to EdgeX and has a specific message envelope that wraps all data published to this message bus.

There currently are three implementations of the EdgeX Message Bus available to be used. These are ZeroMQ, MQTT & Redis Streams. The implementation type is selected via the [MessageBus] configuration described below.

Type and Topic configuration

Here's an example:

Type="edgex-messagebus" # also can use legacy messagebus for type
The Type= is set to edgex-messagebus trigger type or the legacy type of messagebus. EdgeX Core Data is publishing data to the events topic. So to receive data from core data, you can set your SubscribeTopic= either to "" or "events". You may also designate a PublishTopic= if you wish to publish data back to the message bus. edgexcontext.Complete([]byte outputData) - Will send data back to the message bus on the topic specified by the PublishTopic= property

Message bus connection configuration

The other piece of configuration required are the connection settings:

Type = 'zero' # message bus type (i.e zero for ZMQ, mqtt for MQTT or redisstreams for Redis Streams)
        Host = '*'
        Port = 5564
        Protocol = 'tcp'
        Host = 'localhost'
        Port = 5563
        Protocol = 'tcp'
By default, EdgeX Core Data publishes data to the events topic using ZMQ on port 5563. The publish host is used if publishing data back to the message bus. As stated above there are three implementations you can choose from. These type values are as follows:

zero - for ZeroMQ
mqtt - for MQTT (Requires a MQTT Broker running and Core-Data configure to use MQTT)
redisstreams - for Redis Streams (Requires Redis running and Core-Data configure to use Redis Streams)


When using ZMQ for the message bus, the Publish Host MUST be different for every topic you wish to publish to since the SDK will bind to the specific port. 5563 for example cannot be used to publish since EdgeX Core Data has bound to that port. Similarly, you cannot have two separate instances of the app functions SDK running publishing to the same port.


When using MQTT for the message bus, there is additional configuration required for specifying the MQTT specific options.

Here is example MessageBus configuration when using MQTT as the message bus:

Type = "mqtt"
        Host = "localhost"
        Port = 1883
        Protocol = "tcp"
        Host = "localhost"
        Port = 1883
        Protocol = "tcp"
        # MQTT Specific options
        Username =""
        Password =""
        ClientId ="AppService"
        # Connection information
        Qos          =  "0" # Quality of Sevice 0 (At most once), 1 (At least once) or 2 (Exactly once)
        KeepAlive    =  "10" # Seconds (must be 2 or greater)
        Retained     = "false"
        AutoReconnect  = "true"
        ConnectTimeout = "5" # Seconds
        SkipCertVerify = "false"
        CertFile       = ""
        KeyFile        = ""
        KeyPEMBlock    = ""
        CertPEMBlock   = ""


The MQTT MessageBus implementation doesn't yet support retrieving secrets from the Secret Store. Thus the secrets for secure connection are currently in plain text in the configuration file.

MQTT Trigger

A MQTT trigger will execute the pipeline every time data is received from the configured external MQTT broker on the configured subscribe topic.


The data received from the external MQTT broker is not wrapped with any metadata known to EdgeX. The data is handled as JSON or CBOR. The data is assumed to be JSON unless the first byte in the data is not a { , in which case it is then assumed to be CBOR.


The data received, encoded as JSON or CBOR, must match the TargetType define by your application service. The default TargetType is an Edgex Event. See TargetType for more details.

Type and Topic configuration

Here's an example:

The Type= is set to external-mqtt. To receive data from the external MQTT Broker you must set your SubscribeTopic= to the appropriate topic that the external publisher is using. You may also designate a PublishTopic= if you wish to publish data back to the external MQTT Broker. edgexcontext.Complete([]byte outputData) - Will send data back to back to the external MQTT Broker on the topic specified by the PublishTopic= property

MQTT Broker configuration

The other piece of configuration required are the MQTT Broker connection settings:

    Url = "tcp://localhost:1883" #  fully qualified URL to connect to the MQTT broker
    ClientId = "AppService" 
    ConnectTimeout = "5s" # 5 seconds
    AutoReconnect = true
    KeepAlive = 10 # Seconds (must be 2 or greater)
    QoS = 0 # Quality of Service 0 (At most once), 1 (At least once) or 2 (Exactly once)
    Retain = true
    SkipCertVerify = false
    SecretPath = "mqtt-trigger" 
    AuthMode = "none" # Options are "none", "cacert" , "usernamepassword", "clientcert".

HTTP Trigger

Designating an HTTP trigger will allow the pipeline to be triggered by a RESTful POST call to http://[host]:[port]/api/v1/trigger/.

edgexcontext.Complete([]byte outputData) - Will send the specified data as the response to the request that originally triggered the HTTP Request.


The HTTP trigger uses the content-type from the HTTP Header to determine if the data is JSON or CBOR encoded and the optional X-Correlation-ID to set the correlation ID for the request.


The data received, encoded as JSON or CBOR, must match the TargetType defined by your application service. The default TargetType is an Edgex Event. See TargetType for more details.