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Registry Refactoring Design




Currently the Registry Client in go-mod-registry module provides Service Configuration and Service Registration functionality. The goal of this design is to refactor the go-mod-registry module for separation of concerns. The Service Registry functionality will stay in the go-mod-registry module and the Service Configuration functionality will be separated out into a new go-mod-configuration module. This allows for implementations for deferent providers for each, another aspect of separation of concerns.

Proposed Design

Provider Connection information

An aspect of using the current Registry Client is "Where do the services get the Registry Provider connection information?" Currently all services either pull this connection information from the local configuration file or from the edgex_registry environment variable. Device Services also have the option to specify this connection information on the command line. With the refactoring for separation of concerns, this issue changes to "Where do the services get the Configuration Provider connection information?"

There have been concerns voiced by some in the EdgeX community that storing this Configuration Provider connection information in the configuration which ultimately is provided by that provider is not the right design.

This design proposes that all services will use the command line option approach with the ability to override with an environment variable. The Configuration Provider information will not be stored in each service's local configuration file. The edgex_registry environment variable will be deprecated. The Registry Provider connection information will continue to be stored in each service's configuration either locally or from theConfiguration Provider same as all other EdgeX Client and Database connection information.

Command line option changes

The new -cp/-configProvider command line option will be added to each service which will have a value specified using the format {type}.{protocol}://{host}:{port} e.g consul.http://localhost:8500. This new command line option will be overridden by the edgex_configuration_provider environment variable when it is set. This environment variable's value has the same format as the command line option value.

If no value is provided to the -cp/-configProvider option, i.e. just -cp, and no environment variable override is specified, the default value of consul.http://localhost:8500 will be used.

if -cp/-configProvider not used and no environment variable override is specified the local configuration file is used, as is it now.

All services will log the Configuration Provider connection information that is used.

The existing -r/-registry command line option will be retained as a Boolean flag to indicate to use the Registry.

Bootstrap Changes

All services in the edgex-go mono repo use the new common bootstrap functionality. The plan is to move this code to a go module for the Device Service and App Functions SDKs to also use. The current bootstrap modules pkg/bootstrap/configuration/registry.go and pkg/bootstrap/container/registry.go will be refactored to use the new Configuration Client and be renamed appropriately. New bootstrap modules will be created for using the revised version of Registry Client . The current use of useRegistry and registryClient for service configuration will be change to appropriate names for using the new Configuration Client. The current use of useRegistry and registryClient for service registration will be retained for service registration. Call to the new Unregister() API will be added to shutdown code for all services.

Config-Seed Changes

The conf-seed service will have similar changes for specifying the Configuration Provider connection information since it doesn't use the common bootstrap package. Beyond that it will have minor changes for switching to using the Configuration Client interface, which will just be imports and appropriate name refactoring.

Config Endpoint Changes

Since the Configuration Provider connection information will no longer be in the service's configuration struct, the config endpoint processing will be modified to add the Configuration Provider connection information to the resulting JSON create from service's configuration.

Client Interfaces changes

Current Registry Client

This following is the current Registry Client Interface

type Client interface {
    Register() error
    HasConfiguration() (bool, error)
    PutConfigurationToml(configuration *toml.Tree, overwrite bool) error
    PutConfiguration(configStruct interface{}, overwrite bool) error
    GetConfiguration(configStruct interface{}) (interface{}, error)
    WatchForChanges(updateChannel chan<- interface{}, errorChannel chan<- error, 
                    configuration interface{}, waitKey string)
    IsAlive() bool
    ConfigurationValueExists(name string) (bool, error)
    GetConfigurationValue(name string) ([]byte, error)
    PutConfigurationValue(name string, value []byte) error
    GetServiceEndpoint(serviceId string) (types.ServiceEndpoint, error)
    IsServiceAvailable(serviceId string) error
New Configuration Client

This following is the new Configuration Client Interface which contains the Service Configuration specific portion from the above current Registry Client.

type Client interface {
    HasConfiguration() (bool, error)
    PutConfigurationFromToml(configuration *toml.Tree, overwrite bool) error
    PutConfiguration(configStruct interface{}, overwrite bool) error
    GetConfiguration(configStruct interface{}) (interface{}, error)
    WatchForChanges(updateChannel chan<- interface{}, errorChannel chan<- error,
                    configuration interface{}, waitKey string)
    IsAlive() bool
    ConfigurationValueExists(name string) (bool, error)
    GetConfigurationValue(name string) ([]byte, error)
    PutConfigurationValue(name string, value []byte) error
Revised Registry Client

This following is the revised Registry Client Interface, which contains the Service Registry specific portion from the above current Registry Client. The UnRegister() API has been added per issue #20

type Client interface {
    Register() error
    UnRegister() error
    IsAlive() bool
    GetServiceEndpoint(serviceId string) (types.ServiceEndpoint, error)
    IsServiceAvailable(serviceId string) error

Client Configuration Structs

Current Registry Client Config

The following is the current struct used to configure the current Registry Client

type Config struct {
    Protocol string
    Host string
    Port int
    Type string
    Stem string
    ServiceKey string
    ServiceHost string
    ServicePort int
    ServiceProtocol string
    CheckRoute string
    CheckInterval string
New Configuration Client Config

The following is the new struct the will be used to configure the new Configuration Client from the command line option or environment variable values. The Service Registry portion has been removed from the above existing Registry Client Config

type Config struct {
    Protocol string
    Host string
    Port int
    Type string
    BasePath string
    ServiceKey string
New Registry Client Config

The following is the revised struct the will be used to configure the new Registry Client from the information in the service's configuration. This is mostly unchanged from the existing Registry Client Config, except that the Stem for configuration has been removed

type Config struct {
    Protocol string
    Host string
    Port int
    Type string
    ServiceKey string
    ServiceHost string
    ServicePort int
    ServiceProtocol string
    CheckRoute string
    CheckInterval string

Provider Implementations

The current Consul implementation of the Registry Client will be split up into implementations for the new Configuration Client in the new go-mod-configuration module and the revised Registry Client in the existing go-mod-registry module.


It was decided to move forward with the above design

After initial ADR was approved, it was decided to retain the -r/--registry command-line flag and not add the Enabled field in the Registry provider configuration.


Once the refactoring of go-mod-registry and go-mod-configuration are complete, they will need to be integrated into the new go-mod-bootstrap. Part of this integration will be the Command line option changes above. At this point the edgex-go services will be integrated with the new Registry and Configuration providers. The App Services SDK and Device Services SDK will then need to integrate go-mod-bootstrap to take advantage of these new providers.


Registry Abstraction - Decouple EdgeX services from Consul (Previous design)