Getting Started - Go Developers
These instructions are for Go Lang Developers and Contributors to get, run and otherwise work with Go-based EdgeX Foundry micro services. Before reading this guide, review the general developer requirements.
If you want to get the EdgeX platform and run it (but do not intend to change or add to the existing code base now) then you are considered a "User". Users should read: Getting Started Users)
What You Need For Go Development
In additional to the hardware and software listed in the Developers guide, you will need the following to work with the EdgeX Go-based micro services.
The open sourced micro services of EdgeX Foundry are written in Go 1.15. See for download and installation instructions. Newer versions of Go are available and may work, but the project has not built and tested to these newer versions of the language. Older versions of Go, especially 1.10 or older, are likely to cause issues (EdgeX now uses Go Modules which were introduced with Go Lang 1.11).
Build Essentials
In order to compile and build some elements of EdgeX, Gnu C compiler, utilities (like make), and associated librarires need to be installed. Some IDEs may already come with these tools. Some OS environments may already come with these tools. Others environments may require you install them. For Ubuntu environments, you can install a convenience package called Build Essentials.
If you are installing Build Essentials, note that there is a build-essential pacakge for each Ubuntu release. Search for 'build-essential' associated to your Ubuntu version via Ubuntu Packages Search.
IDE (Optional)
There are many tool options for writing and editing Go Lang code. You could use a simple text editor. For more convenience, you may choose to use an integrated development environment (IDE). The list below highlights IDEs used by some of the EdgeX community (without any project endorsement).
GoLand is a popular, although subscription-fee based, Go specific IDE. Learn how to purchase and download Go Land here:
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code is a free, open source IDE developed by Microsoft. Find and download Visual Studio Code here:
Atom is also a free, open source IDE used with many languages. Find and download Atom here:
Get the code
This part of the documentation assumes you wish to get and work with the key EdgeX services. This includes but is not limited to Core, Supporting, some security, and system management services. To work with other Go-based security services, device services, application services, SDKs, user interface, or other service you may need to pull in other EdgeX repository code. See other getting started guides for working with other Go-based services. As you will see below, you do not need to explicitly pull in dependency modules (whether EdgeX or 3rd party provided). Dependencies will automatically be pulled through the building process.
To work with the key services, you will need to download the source code from the EdgeX Go repository. The EdgeX Go-based micro services are all available in a single GitHub repository download. Once the code is pulled, the Go micro services are built and packaged as platform dependent executables. If Docker is installed, the executable can also be containerized for end user deployment/use.
The EdgeX Foundry Go Lang micro service code is hosted at
To download the EdgeX Go code, first change directories to the location where you want to download the code (to edgex in the image below). Then use your git tool and request to clone this repository with the following command:
git clone <>

If you plan to contribute code back to the EdgeX project (as a Contributor), you are going to want to fork the repositories you plan to work with and then pull your fork versus the EdgeX repositories directly. This documentation does not address the process and procedures for working with an EdgeX fork, committing changes and submitting contribution pull requests (PRs). See some of the links below in the EdgeX Wiki for help on how to fork and contribute EdgeX code.
Build EdgeX Foundry
To build the Go Lang services found in edgex-go, first change directories to the root of the edgex-go code
cd edgex-go
make build

The first time EdgeX builds, it will take longer than other builds as it has to download all dependencies. Depending on the size of your host machine, an initial build can take several minutes. Make sure the build completes and has no errors. If it does build, you should find new service executables in each of the service folders under the service directories found in the /edgex-go/cmd folder.
Run EdgeX Foundry
Run the Database
Several of the EdgeX Foundry micro services use a database. This includes core-data, core-metadata, support-scheduler, among others. Therefore, when working with EdgeX Foundry its a good idea to have the database up and running as a general rule. See the Redis Quick Start Guide for how to run Redis in a Linux environment (or find similar documentation for other environments).
MongoDB can run in place of Redis with the Geneva release or earlier. MongoDB is deprecated and developers should transition to Redis. See the Run MongoDB documenation for how to run Mongo in a Linux environment (or find similar documentation for other environments).
Running MongoDB in place of Redis will also require that you alter the configuration for all services that need the database to use MongoDB instead of Redis. As an example, the configuration of core-data is located in the file edgex-go/cmd/core-data/res/configuration.toml. In the configuration.toml file of the affected services, find the [Databases] section and change the "Type" to 'mongodb' along with any associated connection information similar to that shown below
Host = 'localhost'
Name = 'coredata'
Password = 'password'
Port = 27017
Username = 'core'
Timeout = 5000
Type = 'mongodb'
Run EdgeX Services
With the services built, and the database up and running, you can now run all the services via second make command. Simply call
make run
This will start the EdgeX go services and leave them running
until you terminate the process (with Ctrl-C). The log entries from each
service will start to display in the terminal. Watch the log entries for
any ERROR indicators. While the EdgeX services are running you can
make EdgeX API calls to localhost
Use the ampersand ('&') sign at the end of make run if you wish to run the services in the background in detached mode. In so doing, Ctrl-C will not stop the services. You will have to kill the services by other means.
No sensor data will flow yet as this just gets the key services up and running. To get sensor data flowing into EdgeX, you will need to get, build and run an EdgeX device service in a similar fashion. The community provides a virtual device service to test and experiment with (
Verify EdgeX is Working
Each EdgeX micro service has a built-in respond to a "ping" HTTP request. In networking environments, use a ping request to check the reach-ability of a network resource. EdgeX uses the same concept to check the availability or reach-ability of a micro service. After the EdgeX micro services are running, you can "ping" any one of the micro services to check that it is running. Open a browser or HTTP REST client tool and use the service's ping address (outlined below) to check that is available.
See EdgeX Default Service Ports for a list of the EdgeX default service ports.
"Pinging" an EdgeX micro service allows you to check on its availability. If the service does not respond to ping, the service is down or having issues.
Next Steps
Application services and some device services are also built in Go. To explore how to create and build EdgeX application and devices services in Go, head to SDK documentation covering these EdgeX elements.
EdgeX Foundry in GoLand
IDEs offer many code editing conveniences. Go Land was specifically built to edit and work with Go code. So if you are doing any significant code work with the EdgeX Go micro services, you will likely find it convenient to edit, build, run, test, etc. from GoLand or other IDE.
Import EdgeX
To bring in the EdgeX repository code into Go Land, use the File → Open... menu option in Go Land to open the Open File or Project Window.
In the "Open File or Project" popup, select the location of the folder containing your cloned edgex-go repo.
Open the Terminal
From the View menu in Go Land, select the Terminal menu option. This will open a command terminal from which you can issue commands to install the dependencies, build the micro services, run the micro services, etc.
Build the EdgeX Micro Services
Run "make build" in the Terminal view (as shown below) to build the services. This can take a few minutes to build all the services.
In some cases, Go Land IDE may encounter an error (go: parsing \$GOFLAGS: non-flag ""-X") when building as shown below.
If you encounter this issue, unset the GOFLAGS env var in GoLand. Make a call to unset GOFLAGS as shown below and then call make build again.
Just as when running make build from the command line in a terminal, the micro service executables that get built in Go Land's terminal will be created in each of the service folders under the service directories found in the /edgex-go/cmd folder..
Run EdgeX
With all the micro services built, you can now run EdgeX. You may first
want to make sure the database is running. Then issue the command
make run
in the terminal.
You can now call on the service APIs to make sure they are running correctly. Namely, call on localhost:[service port]/api/v1/ping to see each service respond to the simplest of requests.